Chapter 17

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One day, Harry and Hermione woke to find fluffy white snow piled up in the windowsill. When they went downstairs for breakfast, they saw that the snow had put everyone in the Christmas spirit. Christmas trees lined the Great Hall and Hagrid was loudly belting out Jingle Bells at the staff table. Even McGonagall couldn't help smiling.

Of course, Christmas time didn't stop the teachers from piling on the homework. Harry and Hermione often spent hours in the Common Room after classes, trying hard to finish their work and get to bed, but still ended up having to go the bedroom at curfew and continue there.

But nothing could dampen Harry's spirits that week. Whenever he was in a bad mood, he reminded himself that in just a few days, he would be on his very first date with Hermione.

Finally, the day had arrived. For the first time, Harry woke up before Hermione. He shot up into a sitting position. "Hermione!"

Hermione, who slept very lightly, woke up immediately. She smiled. "Wow, you're waking me up. There's a plot twist."

"Come on, Hermione!" Harry couldn't seem to wipe the smile off his face. "We have our date today!"

"I'm glad you're so excited, Harry," said Hermione, glancing over at the clock. "But Hogsmeade doesn't even open for another hour and forty-five minutes."

"Oh well, we're awake now! Come on, Hermione, get up!"

"Alright, alright, I'm up," said Hermione, sitting up next to him. "I'll get ready, and we'll go get breakfast, okay?"

Harry nodded vigorously.

Hermione laughed to herself and shook her head as she walked into the bathroom, towel in hand.

When Hermione came out of the shower, Harry was standing at the doorway, already dressed and waiting for her. He was smiling like a child waiting for ice cream. Hermione laughed. "Alright, I'll be ready in a minute."

She dropped her towel and opened the drawer that she kept her things in. She decided on a pair of skinny jeans and a thick gray sweater. She grabbed her coat and joined Harry at the door. "Ready?" Harry asked her, still grinning from ear to ear and making Hermione laugh again.

"Ready," she answered through giggles.

Harry took her hand and lead her through the door. Hermione couldn't stop laughing.

When they got to the Great Hall it was 9:15. They still had forty-five minutes left. Harry was extremely jittery, so Hermione stopped his hand when he reached for the coffee. "Harry, no," she laughed once again. "You're way too energetic already."

Harry sighed. "Fine," he said, reaching for the pumpkin juice instead.

There was no conversation all through breakfast, but it wasn't awkward at all. There was plenty of entertainment as Harry practically bounced out of his seat with excitement and Hermione watched, smirking all the time.

They ate as slowly as they could, but when they couldn't eat any more, they still had fifteen minutes left to wait.

Harry stood by the door, bouncing on the balls of his feet. Hermione laughed out loud. "Harry, why are you so excited? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm excited, too. But you look like this is the best day of your life."

He smirked. "Actually, this may be the best day of my life." He took both of Hermione's hands in his own. "I'm excited because I have wanted to go out with you for seven years now and that is finally happening."

Hermione smiled and her cheeks went slightly pink. She stood on her toes to kiss Harry. They were interrupted when Filch shouted,"Attention!"

Harry and Hermione jumped apart, both blushing furiously though nobody seemed to noticed. Filch droned on about the rules, but neither of them listened at all. They were gripping each other's hands and staring ahead, waiting to be let out, both grinning like fools now.

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