Chapter 16

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Hermione lead Harry down the hall and up several sets of stairs. Harry was following her, anxious about what she was about to do.

Finally, Hermione reached the corridor and walked back and forth, concentrating hard on one thought. I need to show Harry something. I need to show Harry something. I need to show Harry something. After she had walked back and forth three times, she looked up. Sure enough, a dark wood door had appeared where moments ago there had been nothing but a stretch of orange wall.

Hermione smiled at her success. "Well, come on, Harry," she said, leading the way into the Room of Requirement.

Harry walked in the room and looked around. It first, it seemed as though the room was empty. All that met Harry's eyes was brown walls and two windows that he could see outside through, although the room was in the middle of the building. But then Harry noticed it. In the middle of the room, there stood a Pensieve with Hermione standing beside it.

Harry slowly made his way over to her. "You wanted to know why everybody's words hurt me so badly," she said. "Now I'm going to show you." She touched the tip of her wand to her temple and when she pulled away, a small silver string came from the end of it. Hermione dropped it into the Pensieve and Harry saw familiar not-quite-liquid-not-quite-gas material in the Pensieve. After looking down at it for a moment, Harry finally looked up to Hermione again. "Ready?" Hermione asked him. Harry nodded in response.

Hermione grabbed his hand, and together they fell into Hermione's memory.


Harry gritted his teeth in anger and Hermione had to grab his arm to stop him from lunging. "There's nothing you can do, Harry," she whispered.

"I'm going to kill him for this," Harry murmured menacingly.

They were nearing the end of the memory and Harry couldn't take much more. He knew that he couldn't harm Ron, but that didn't stop him from wanting to. Hermione gripped his arm tighter as he lunged once more, watching Hermione flinch as Ron screamed in her face.

His heart was pounding and his fists were clenched. Hermione whispered, "Come on, Harry, let's go," and he allowed her to lead him out of the memory.

As soon as his feet found solid ground, Harry began pacing back and forth. "I'm going to kill him!" Harry repeated in a shout this time. Suddenly, a punching bag appeared in the side of the room. Harry immediately ran over to it and punched it as hard as he could. His knuckles were already turning red, but he didn't stop. He punched until his arms ached and his face was dripping with sweat. He was so tired he felt he could collapse on the floor right there.

Hermione watched the entire time as Harry took his anger out on the punching bag. She was almost frightened at how angry he was. Hermione feared a time that he would be that angry at her. But when she thought that he was so angry for her, she swelled with happiness. She knew that when Harry said he loved her, he had really meant it.

Finally, Harry's shoulders slumped and he looked to the ground. Slowly, Hermione made her way over to him. She placed a hand on his shoulder and he turned to her. Neither of them said a thing, but as Harry looked into Hermione's eyes, his eyes softened. He wrapped his arms around her and she returned his embrace. Harry could feel that Hermione's breath was slightly shaky, and a few warm tears on his shoulder.

They stood there like that for what felt like forever. Hermione watched the sky get dark through the window over Harry's shoulder. Finally, they slowly released their hold on each other. "Shit," Harry muttered, looking down at his watch. "It's past curfew. If we leave now, we'll get caught."

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