Chapter 13

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Hermione woke up the next morning with her head on Harry's chest, listening to the sound of his breath. It was then that she realized that in the past few days, she had slept better than she had in months. She realized how lonely she had been. So lonely that she actually missed having room mates. But no, she didn't want to share a room with four other girls again. She wanted to wake up with Harry. Now she finally had it.

She sighed and snuggled deeper into Harry's chest. Now she came to another realization: It was Saturday. No classes.

She reached across Harry to take his left wrist which bared his watch. It was 8:00am. Later than they every got sleep on a weekday.

Hermione felt Harry stir next to her and looked up to see his eyes fluttering open. "I'm sorry, Harry, did I wake you?" she asked guiltily.

He shook his head. "It's alright, Hermione," he looked down at his watch. "I would've woken up right about now anyway."

"Okay," Hermione sighed in relief. Then she grinned. "Guess what."


"It's Saturday!"

Harry smirked. "Yes."

"Do you know what this means?"

"No classes?"

"Well, yes. But Harry, we don't have to leave this room once today!"

Harry sat up. "Now I'm interested."

Hermione laughed. "Yes, we have all weekend before we have to face reality!"

"A procrastinator's dream," said Harry with a smirk.

Hermione giggled. "Yes." She kissed Harry.

They sat in silence for a moment, then Harry asked,"Are you hungry?"

Hermione sighed. "Ah, the fault in our plan. There's no food in here," she frowned.

Harry smirked. "A fault we can easily fix, my darling." He cleared his throat. "Kreacher!" He called.

With a loud crack, the small, slouchy elf appeared at the foot of Harry's bed. Kreacher bowed so low his nose brushed the floor. "Master, how can Kreacher serve you?"

"We would like some food please, Kreacher."

Kreacher bowed again. "As you wish, Master." Then with another loud crack, the elf disappeared.

Harry turned to Hermione and grinned. "The perks of having a house elf."

Hermione simply grinned back at him.

Moments later, Kreacher appeared again, summoning trays of breakfast food. "Does Master desire anything else from Kreacher?"

"No, Kreacher, that'll be all, thanks," said Harry.

Kreacher bowed again. It seemed that house elves were always bowing. Then he disappeared once  more.

Hermione ate her meal, astonished that you could have such a great meal in your bedroom. "Man," she said through a mouthful of bacon. "If I had known you could have food delivered to you here, I never would've seen the Great Hall."

Harry chuckled and agreed.

When they were finished, the trays magically disappeared. Hermione leaned back on Harry's bed. "So," she said, eyeing him quizzically,"now what?"

He shrugged, leaning back so he was right next to her again, looking her straight in the eye. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Hmm..." Hermione said. "The universe," she finished with a smirk.

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