Chapter 20

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The next month went by quickly. Harry had made amends with Ron, he and Hermione both were doing well in school, all was well. Now, the day Harry was both looking forward to and dreading at the same time was coming up. Valentine's Day.

The last time Harry had been in a relationship on Valentine's Day was in fifth year with Cho, and of course, that didn't go well.

But this felt different for Harry. He wanted to get something special for Hermione, and he was stumped. Think, he told himself firmly. What does Hermione like? Of course, the first thing that came to mind was books. But everybody knew that about Hermione. He had to think of something creative.

Then he had an idea. Hermione always talked about her childhood. While she felt good at Hogwarts, there were things she always missed, and there was one thing in particular. Harry smiled to himself. He knew exactly what he would do.


For the first time Hermione could remember, she and Harry woke up at the same time. They both sat up, and gasped when they looked at the clock. It was nearly noon. "Damn," said Hermione. "I didn't know we were so tired."

"Neither did I," replied Harry.

"Well," said Hermione, rolling over so she faced Harry again. "We missed breakfast, so wanna go get lunch?"

Harry shrugged. "I'm not really hungry."

Hermione agreed. Then she gasped. "Oh, Harry, it's Valentine's Day!"

"Oh!" Harry yelled, then leaned over the edge of the bed.

Hermione sat up again and looked down at him. "What are you doing?"

"Just... One.. Second..." Harry muttered distractedly. "Got it!" he yelled triumphantly, springing back into a sitting position. "Happy Valentine's Day, Hermione," he said, handing her a wrapped box.

She smiled. "Thanks, Harry!" She yelled, taking the box from him excitedly. Her jaw dropped when she tore the wrapping paper off and saw what was inside. "Harry!" Hermione shouted, grinning like a fool. "This is perfect!"

Inside were all of the Toy Story movies, Finding Nemo, and Aladdin, Hermione's favorite childhood movies. "Thank you so much!" She yelled, throwing her arms around Harry.

Harry chuckled. "You're welcome, Hermione."

She quickly pulled away from him. "Your gift is in my room. I'll be right back," she rambled, then ran from the room.

Harry may have had trouble thinking of a gift for Hermione, but Hermione had no trouble at all.

She burst end back into Harry's room, delicately holding a poorly wrapped gift. She really was awful at wrapping.

Of course, Harry didn't mind. Grinning, her tore the paper off and grinned even more when he saw what was inside. "Hermione, how did you do this?"

"Very complicated magic," she said, pleased with his reaction.

"Thank you!" Harry exclaimed, pulling Hermione in for hug.

Harry had been disappointed that his CD player wouldn't work at Hogwarts. He didn't want to wait for another school break to listen to the music Hermione had given him for Christmas. So she had given him versions that were compatible with a Wizard record player.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, Harry's arm around Hermione's waist and Hermione's head on Harry's shoulder. Finally, Hermione whispered, "You know, it is a Hogsmeade weekend. We could go out."

"Yes," said Harry, smirking at her. "We could. Or," he raised his eyebrows mischievously. "We could stay here."

Hermione smirked back at him. "That's a great idea," she said, remembering the last time they had spent the whole weekend in his room.

Harry smirked and got up, placing one of the records in the record player. And reached for Hermione's hand. If there was one thing the two of them loved, it was dancing.

By the time they'd danced through all the albums, the sun was setting. Their feet were aching and they both gratefully collapsed onto the bed. After landing uncomfortably on the DVDs he had given Hermione, Harry picked them up and thought for a moment. "Hey, Hermione?"

"Hmm?" Hermione answered, leaned back on the pillows, staring at the ceiling.

"I was thinking," he scooted closer to Hermione so she could see what he was holding. "If we could make the CDs work for a Wizard device, do you think we could do the same thing with these?"

Hermione sat up. "Yeah..." She took the DVDs out of his hands and pulled out her wand. She pointed her wand at it and muttered a spell Harry had never heard of. "And now..." Hermione muttered to herself. She pointed her wand at a spot across from the bed, and a strange-looking TV appeared.

"Damn, Hermione, you're good."

Hermione cheeks went slightly pink and a small smile appeared on her lips. "Thanks." Then she put a DVD in the TV, starting with Toy Story. "This one is my personal favorite," she told Harry with a smirk on her face.

When all five movies had been watched, the TV was the only light in the room. As the credits rolled, Hermione lied with her head on Harry's shoulder. "You know," he whispered to her. "It's the most romantic night of the year..."

Hermione smiled, then looked up and kissed him. He kissed her back passionately, wrapping his arms around her.

After, when they were lying together, Hermione was starting to drift off with her head on Harry's chest. Then she heard Harry whisper,"Best. Valentine's Day. Ever."

She laughed and snuggled closer to him. "I love you, Harry."

"I love you, Hermione."

Finally, with the first few rays of sunlight peeked through the window, they both went to sleep.

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