Chapter 23

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Harry and Hermione carried countless boxes into Grimmauld Place. They were dripping with sweat in the July heat, and Harry sighed in relief as he set down the last box.

"We're done!" Harry called triumphantly.

"Victory!" Hermione joked with a smile on her face.

She kissed him, then the two of them jumped apart when they heard a voice in the doorway. "Actually, you've still got one thing left."

Harry turned to see who it was and didn't even have time to be embarrassed before he was excited. There stood Andromeda with a smile on her face and Teddy on her hip.

"You're here!" Harry shouted, running over to them. He scooped Teddy out of Andromeda's arms and became distracted as he showered him with kisses.

Hermione and Andromeda both laughed softly and moved in to hug each other.

Finally, Teddy caught a glimpse of Hermione over Harry's shoulder and grinned widely. "Hermy!" The child shouted. This was the closest he had come to pronouncing her name.

Hermione laughed. "Hi, Ted," she said, taking him from Harry's arms. "I missed you."

Teddy mumbled,"I miss you too."

Hermione smiled even more. She really did love that kid.

Soon Teddy started to squirm. He was much more active these days, and she and Harry had baby-proofed the entire place before bringing in any of her things.

Hermione set Teddy on the floor and allowed him to run, watching the whole time in amusement.

Andromeda stayed for hours before going home. When she did, Harry and Hermione bathed Teddy and put him to bed. (Harry had finally put the child back in his own room.)

It was a while later, when Harry and Hermione lied next to each other on their bed, that they got to talking.

"It's crazy, isn't it?" Harry said. "How time flies."

"I know," said Hermione. "It seems only yesterday we were just children."

"And this was just a fantasy." Harry continued.

"That we thought would never come true," Hermione finished.

"Just think, before we know it, it will be  eight years from now."

"Yeah..." Hermione whispered. Then she propped herself up on one elbow to get a better look at Harry. "Where do you think we'll be then?"

Harry raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Well," he said, wrapping an arm around Hermione and pulling her closer to him. "Teddy will be nine years old. Auror training will be long over. And as for you and I... We could be doing anything. We could be married."

"That does sound great," Hermione whispered with a smile.

There was a short moment of silence. Then Harry said abruptly,"Why don't we, then?"

"What?" Hermione asked.

"Get married!" Harry said loudly, propping himself up on one elbow and facing Hermione.

"Harry," Hermione breathed. "We need to think about this. I don't think we can make such a big decision so quickly."

"Hermione, do you love me?"

"Of course I do, Harry."

"That's all that matters, Hermione." Harry's voice had changed suddenly. He was whispering now, though he had almost been shouting just a moment ago.

"Harry..." Hermione breathed.

Harry sat up completely, then stepped off the bed. Hermione turned so that she was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching him. She watched as he got down on one knee, then took her hands in his.

"Hermione Jean Granger, will you marry me?" Harry's voice was still a whisper.

Hermione's eyes filled with tears. It was quite out of character for her to make such a big decision so quickly, but this didn't need any thought. Hermione always knew what she wanted, and now it was right in front of her. She wouldn't let it get away from her. Not again.

"Yes," she whispered back.

Harry broke into the biggest grin Hermione had ever seen and kissed her.

When they finally broke apart, he climbed back onto the bed and lied down on his back. Hermione immediately moved over to him and laid an arm across his chest.

Harry kissed the top of her head. "I thought you deserved a proper proposal."

Hermione smiled. "I like the way you asked."

Harry smiled as well. "You're dad's gonna kill me."

"He definitely won't be happy with you." Hermione agreed. "But he'll get over it."

"He's going to say it's too soon."

"Harry, we've spent the last eight years getting to know and falling in love with each other. It's not too soon." Hermione said firmly. She tilted her head to look up at him. "Besides, I don't need his permission."

Harry smiled, then looked down at Hermione's hand on his chest. "I'm going to get you a ring."

"You really don't have to, Harry."

"I insist," said Harry, although his voice wasn't insisting. But Hermione knew he meant it.

Hermione smiled back, closed her eyes, and kissed him softly. Then she returned her head to his chest, beginning to drift off. Harry barely caught the last words she mumbled before they both fell asleep, but it was enough to make him smile one last time.

"Hermione Jean Potter."

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter. I've been struggling with writer's block lately, but I think I'm onto something now. Also, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I hope that this chapter was short and sweet and worth waiting for!

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