Chapter 31

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Lily Ruby Potter was now two weeks old. Harry and Hermione were proud parents, though it was proving to be more difficult than they had anticipated. They were woken up periodically each night by her cries. The little sleep they were getting was mostly happening during the day. But they cherished this time, knowing how soon it would be over and they would want it back.

Hermione was exhausted. She'd have fallen asleep in the rocking chair she was sitting in long ago if it weren't for her daughter's crying.

She had tried everything. She had fed her and made sure she didn't need her diaper changed. Now she was holding her close to her chest, rocking her back and forth and patting her back, whispering soothing words into her ear.

Finally, a thought occurred to Hermione, and she wondered why she hadn't thought of it sooner.

She moved her daughter so that she was looking down at her face. Then she quietly started to sing the most soothing song she could think of.

"Another day, another life
Passes by just like mine
It's not complicated
Another mind, another soul
Another body to grow old
It's not complicated

Do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you?
Float down
Like autumn leaves
And hush now
Close your eyes before the sleep
And you're miles away
And yesterday,
You were here with me."

The crying had stopped. Lily's eyes were wide, intrigued by her mother's song. Hermione smiled at the result of her experiment and continued singing.

"Another tear, another cry
Another place for us to die
It's not complicated
Another love that's gone to waste
Another light lost from your face
It's complicated

Is it that it's over, or do birds still sing for you?
Float down
Like autumn leaves
And hush now
Close your eyes before the sleep
And you're miles away
And yesterday,
You were here with me."

Finally, Lily's eyes closed. Hermione sighed in relief. She laid her gently in her crib, then jumped when she heard a voice in the doorway.


"Oh, hello Teddy," she said quietly. "Be quiet, we don't want to wake Lily."

Teddy continued in a whisper. "You're good at singing."

"Thanks, buddy," Hermione said, smiling affectionately. She glanced at the clock on the wall behind him. It was midnight. "You better get to bed, honey, it's late."

"Can you finish the song first?" Teddy asked sweetly.

Hermione smiled. "Of course." She sat back down in the rocking chair, then gestured for Teddy to sit on her lap. When he did, she finished the song.

"Ooh, how I miss you
My symphony played the song that carried you out
Ooh, how I miss you
And I, I miss you and I wish you'd stay

Do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you?
Float down
Like autumn leaves
And hush now
Close your eyes before the sleep
And you're miles away
And yesterday
You were here with me.

Ooh oh, ooh oh
Ooh oh, ooh oh

Touch down like a seven for seven
Stay out and we'll live forever now."

Hermione smiled when she saw that Teddy had fallen asleep. The song had put both children to sleep. As she carried Teddy down the hall to his own bedroom, she thought about the say when those children would realize what the song was about. But for tonight, their innocent minds thought of it as a simple lullaby.

When she got to Teddy's open door, she stopped herself from laughing.

Harry was lying on Teddy's tiny bed with his neck bent at what looked like an uncomfortable angle. In his hands was one of Teddy's children's books.

Hermione shook her head and strode over to him. After gently setting Teddy down next to him, she shook Harry's shoulder. "Harry, wake up," she whispered.

Harry groaned and opened his eyes slowly. Hermione put a finger to her lips, then pointed at his sleeping godson.

"Come on," she whispered, taking his hand. "We can finally go to bed now."

Harry stood. He groaned again and rubbed his neck with his free hand. "My neck hurts."

Hermione giggled. "I bet."

She lead him down the hall to their bedroom. When they got to their bed, Hermione laid her head on Harry's shoulder and he wrapped his arms around her. Finally the house was peaceful, even if it was only for a few hours.

A/N: This was going to be the chapter where things got intense, but I decide to be nice and give you one more chapter of cuteness. 😝😝

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