Chapter 9

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A/N: This is where the story gets interesting!

Hermione marched into Harry's room with much more confidence than she ever had with any of their previous talks. She only waited long enough for Harry to mutter,"Alohomora." She turned the knob and strode in before he could even reach out. He looked at her with a surprised look on his face, but walked in obediently when he saw the look she was giving him.

She closed the door quickly behind her and leaned on it.

Harry swallowed nervously. "Well...?"

"Well, Harry, I think it's pretty clear that we need to talk."

Harry sighed. "What is there to talk about? We've talked, Hermione, there's nothing left to say."

"I have something to say." Hermione folded her arms across her chest, her deadpan look still not wavering. "You need to make up your mind, Harry."

"I have made up my mind, Hermione. You know how I feel about you, but we waited too long."

She sat down on the bed. "And are you happy with that decision, Harry?"

Harry sighed and looked at the ground. "I don't know," he whispered.

"What do you mean, 'you don't know?'"

"I mean I don't know!" Harry snapped. Then he exhaled and his voice dropped down to a whisper again. "I really don't know, Hermione. I don't understand how, but what you told me the other night changed everything. Things were going great with Ginny, but now that I know... It's just not the same." He paused and looked at Hermione. "What about you?"

"Well, I don't really have anyone stopping me. So I suppose it's not really the same for me..." Harry sat down next to her on the bed. "But it's killing me, Harry," she whispered. "Knowing that I was that close, but I let it slip away... And watching you and Ginny..."

Hermione was on the verge of tears now. "I know," Harry whispered.

Hermione sniffed and put her head on his shoulder. With how close they were, Harry would smell her hair. She smelled like lavender and something else... Rain, he realized. He didn't know how it was possible, but Hermione smelled like rain.

After a moment, Hermione lifted her head from his shoulder. Her eyes were red and tears were still rolling down her cheeks, but she spoke clearly. "Well?" she whispered. "What are we going to do?"

For a second, Harry kept looking at her. Then, he made a very risky move.

Harry kissed Hermione.

She melted into it for a moment, then she pulled away. This wasn't what she meant. "Harry, no," she said. "We can't do this."

Harry looked her in the eye. "Hermione, tell me the truth. Do you want to?"

Yes, her mind screamed. But she didn't let it show on her face. Think logically. "It doesn't matter if I want to. If we do this, it will blow up in our faces. We have to be logical about this. What about Ginny?"

"Forget about Ginny," Harry pressed on. "If it weren't for Ginny, would you do this with me?"

Yes, Hermione's mind repeated. "Ginny is here, Harry. Dwelling on what-ifs isn't going to get us anywhere."

Harry's eyes were dark and intense. "Hermione," he whispered.

She sighed. She cleared her throat. She straightened her back. Her words were prepared. I'm sorry, Harry, but I can't let this happen. Then she would leave.

That didn't happen.

Hermione sobbed and kissed Harry intensely. He was so surprised that he almost fell backward. But he didn't. He quickly adjusted to it and got lost in it, adding to the intensity. Hermione was in his lap, her hands on his neck and framing his face. His hands started on the small of her back, then slowly moved their way up to her hair. He ran his fingers through it. He pulled his lips away from hers and kissed her neck, breathing in the smell of her hair. Lavender and rain. He loved that smell.

Hermione tipped her head back. She felt Harry's lips move farther down her neck. A small moan escaped from her lips and she pulled him closer to her with her hands on his back behind his shoulders. Now she slid her hands up and down his back. Finally, she let her hands slide down to the hem of his shirt. Harry pulled back and allowed Hermione to pull the shirt over his head.

Hermione ran her fingers over his stomach. Then her hands found their place on his chest and she moved in for another kiss. Somehow it was even more intense than before.

Harry's hands were on Hermione's waist. He let them travel down to the hem of her shirt and pulled her shirt over her head. Then, with his arms around her waist, he turned and laid her down on his bed.

They couldn't possibly be more close. Harry's lips had returned to Hermione's neck. Hermione's hands were in his hair. Both of them knew this would have consequences. But for now, that thought was buried. All that mattered was that they were finally together. Maybe they never would be again, but they didn't want to think about that. They didn't want to think about anything after this moment. They wanted to live in it for the rest of their lives.

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