Chapter 14

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A/N: I saw this quote on Instagram and it reminded me of this story. It may or may not appear in my story at some time in the future.

A few rays of sunlight shone through the blinds on Harry's window, illuminating the unlit room and blinding Hermione, who had just woken up and was stretching and rubbing the sleep out her eyes. She sighed sadly when she realized that these rays of light meant that it was Monday, which meant that they had to leave Harry's room today.

Hoping that she had woken early and she still had time before she had to get up, Hermione looked at Harry's watch. But she had no such luck. It was 6:30, time to get up and get ready. Sighing once again, she shook Harry's shoulder gently. "Harry," she said, her voice barely loudly than a whisper. "Harry, wake up."

He didn't even budge.

Funny, thought Hermione. He wakes so easily when we don't even leave the room, but when we have classes he may as well be dead.

"Harry," she said louder, shaking his shoulder harder. Still no response. "Harry!" She shouted now. "Come on, Harry, wake up!"

Hermione sighed and looked around the room. This was the perfect opportunity.

While she was looking away, as quickly and carefully as he could, Harry grabbed Hermione around the waist and pulled her on top of him, causing her to shriek with surprise.

Harry kissed her on the lips and smiled at her. "Morning, beautiful."

"Don't scare me like that!" Hermione cried, slapping him on the shoulder, but she couldn't stop herself from smiling back.

She kissed Harry again, then sighed. "We have to get up."

Harry sighed. "Do we have to?" he whined.

Hermione nodded sadly. "I'm afraid we do."

She rolled off of him and got out of the bed. Harry followed suit. After she had managed her hair and brushed her teeth, she sighed in frustration. "What's wrong?" Harry asked.

Hermione shook her head. "Nothing. It's just that I'm tired of having to go back to my room to get dressed every morning."

Harry tilted his head. "You know, Hermione, you are here an awful lot. I wouldn't mind if you kept a few of your things over here."

Hermione smiled. "Thanks, Harry. You could keep some things in my room, too, for when we spend the night there."

Harry smiled back. "That'd be great, Hermione!"

So he grabbed a few uniforms of his, a spare toothbrush, and an extra stick of deodorant to take to Hermione's room. He dropped his things off in her room while she got changed and she planned to bring her things to his room that night.

As soon as Harry and Hermione set foot in the Great Hall, they regretted it.
Immediately, all conversations stopped and all heads turned in their direction. After staring blankly at the crowd of people for a short moment, they unconsciously reach for each other's hand. It wasn't until they both had a hold of each other that they dared to take a step. As they made their way to the Gryffindor table, the sound of their footsteps was the only thing breaking the eerie silence in the room.

When they sat down, some people lost sight of them, and that was when the conversations slowly started again. Harry and Hermione soon found that although they may be out of sight, they certainly weren't out of mind. Every conversation continued in a whisper.

Overhearing bits of their conversation, tears sprang to Hermione's eyes. Although she quickly wiped them away, Harry didn't miss it. "Hermione?" He whispered in a concerned voice. "What's the matter?"

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