Chapter 33

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"The first step," and Auror was telling them, "would be to find the suspects. A suspect in this case would most likely be somebody who was holding a grudge against one of you."

"Well that certainly narrows it down," Harry muttered under his breath. Hermione, the only one who was close enough to hear him, swatted him on the arm.

"Sir," said Hermione. "Is there any evidence? Any leads on who it might be?"

The Auror shook his head gravely. "I'm afraid not, my dear. Whoever did this covered their tracks very well."

Hermione nodded, her heart seeming to feel heavier every moment. Harry wrapped a consoling arm around her.

"Do you have a photo of her?" Asked the Auror.

Hermione nodded, wiped her tears, and broke free of Harry. She made her way into the kitchen and took down the photo that was hung on the refrigerator with a magnet. She stared down at the picture. It was of Teddy holding Lily carefully, though still not really properly. But he looked down at Lily with such love on his face.

Harry was also visible in the picture. His hand was supporting Lily's neck where Teddy's tiny hand could not. He was beaming at his godson. Hermione had taken the picture with a muggle camera, so it wasn't moving. But it captured the pride in Harry's eyes so perfectly, Hermione didn't miss the movement that the photo lacked.

Hermione smiled, momentarily forgetting why she was holding the photo. The smiled disappeared from her face as she was filled with sorrow and determination simultaneously. She straightened her back and strode back over to the Auror. "This is the most recent picture of her."

The Auror nodded. "Thank you. We'll put her picture in the Prophet and continue looking for her. Let us know if you find anything."

Hermione nodded. "Thank you sir," she said, leading the Aurors to the door.


Lily Ruby Potter
DOB: November 7th, 2000
Age: 1 month
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown
Date missing: December 10th, 2000
If found, call the number below

Harry slowly set the paper down on his desk, reading and rereading the section over and over again as if it would cause the answer to magically appear. He and Hermione had both been searching for over a week now, but so far were no closer to finding her than they had been the day they woke up to find her gone.

Harry shook his head. This is hopeless, he thought, but he did it all the same. He pulled a paper out the bottom drawer of his desk and began a list of suspects.

A/N: I realize that the time in this story is inaccurate. I actually realized it a while ago, but it hasn't affected the story until now. So I just want to let you know that I realize I screwed up, so there is no need to point it out to me.

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