Chapter 25

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Five months. That was how long it took for Harry and Hermione to plan their wedding. They had decided to get married on New Year's Eve.

Hermione was watching the snow gather on the window sill as Ginny worked on making Hermione's hair look perfect. Ginny seemed just as excited as Hermione, even though she wasn't the one getting married.

Hermione's mother stood in front of her, blocking her view of the snow. "Alright, now close your eyes," she said, holding a small, slender brush in her hand. Hermione did as she was told.

Hermione waited patiently for her friends to finish. She had been waiting for about five minutes when there was a soft knock on the door. "Who is it?" Ginny called.

"It's me, Luna," said an airy voice on the other side of the door.

"Ooh, let her in!" Hermione exclaimed. She felt the brush move away from her face as Mrs. Granger went to let Luna in.

Hermione heard the door opening and closing softly, then Luna saying,"Hello, Hermione!"

"Hello, Luna!" Hermione called back although she couldn't see her. She knew that if she turned her head, she would never hear the end of it from Ginny.

"Congratulations on your wedding," Luna said.

"Thank you," Hermione answered as Mrs. Granger returned to finish Hermione's makeup. It was only a moment before she had completed her job. After that, Hermione waited another five minutes for Ginny to finish her hair.

"And... Done!" Ginny called triumphantly. "Go on, look at it!" She said, pulling Hermione out of her chair and guiding her over to the mirror.

Hermione gasped when she saw what Ginny had done. At the front of her hair, there were two small braids that met at the back of her head where there was an elegant bun, held in place by a million bobby pins. "Ginny, it's beautiful!" She cried. Mrs. Granger cleared her throat and Hermione laughed. "The makeup is lovely as well, Mum." And it really was. The makeup was subtle, but looked beautiful on Hermione. The black mascara and eye liner brought out her eyes, and a shade of pink was spread on her lips. "Thank you both so much," she told the two women. She hugged them both.

"Alright," came Luna's voice from behind them. "It's time to put on the dress!"

Hermione smiled widely and quickly broke free from Ginny and her mother. Luna pulled the dress out of the garment bag and Hermione shed the white robe she had been wearing. She stepped into the dress and the three others helped to button it up.

Hermione couldn't wait to see how the dress looked on her. As soon as the buttons had been fastened, Hermione turned around to see herself in the mirror. It was the dress she always imagined when she pictured her wedding as a little girl. The long sleeves were made of lace, almost but not quite falling off of her shoulders. There was a small belt around her waist and the skirt was not too full, just right for Hermione.

Hermione smiled like she never had before and broke into a fit of high-pitched giggles. "I love it!" She squealed. This made the rest of the girls in the room giggle along with her.

"Speaking of which," Luna said, "you should be becoming a bride in about three minutes."

As if on cue, there was a knock on the door. "Dad?" Hermione called.

"That's me," Paul Granger called back. Hermione smiled and ran over to let him in.

He held out a bouquet of lilies, Hermione's favorite. "For you," he said.

"Thanks, Dad," said Hermione, taking the flowers and throwing her arms around his neck.

They stayed like that for a moment, Paul gently patting his daughter's back. When they pulled apart, Hermione could see tears brimming in his eyes. "You ready?" He whispered, holding his arm out to her.

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