Failed? Thats to be expected T~T

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The bell rang and Naruto was tied up to the post because he tried to eat in secrecy. Sakura was on his left, Sasuke was on his right, and you were sitting on top of the pole that Naruto was tied up on.

"Well, I think it's safe to say that you should just quit being ninja." Kakashi said calmly.

"EHHH?!?!?! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN QUIT?!?! WE'VE WORKED SO HARD UP UNTIL NOW!!" Naruto screeched, kicking his legs as if he saw a shark.

"Because you don't think. You think like brats, which is exactly what you are." Kakashi replied. Sasuke all of a sudden sprinted up and towards him. You jumped off the pole and grabbed Sasuke's wrist, twisting it behind his back, and bucking his knees under him, causing him to trip. You grabbed his hair with your right hand and yanked him up so that he was arching and put your sword to his throat while your leg was holding his arm in place.

"Don't go doing anything, duckbutt." You warned in his ear. He grit his teeth and tried to move, but your iron grip wouldn't let him.

"DON'T GO DOING THAT, YOU COULD KILL HIM!!" Sakura screeched. You snapped your head towards her.

"Shut it!" You hissed, your eyes flashing black and red. She gasped.

"You guys think being a ninja is easy?!" Kakashi asked, annoyed.

'Damn, he's really pissed.' You thought.

"Why do you think you do this exercise in teams?!" He asked again.

"What do you mean?" Sakura asked.

'I SWEAR I'LL KILL HER!!' You thought while barring your canines. Sasuke saw out of the corner of his eye.

'Teeth? That long?' He thought.

"It's like you guys have no answer to this test. Y/n was the only one who understood it." He said while looking at you, along with the rest of them.

"Answer?" Naruto repeated.

"Yes. The one that determines whether you pass or fail." He replied, calmer.

"I've... been wanting to ask you that." Sakura hesitantly said.

'Tch. Yeah right, the only thing that goes through your mind is Sasuke and you doing the nasty.' You thought.

"Hm. Are you guys stupid or what?" Kakashi asked.

"Do you not get the reasoning of a squad?!" He asked even more annoyed.


"You dumbasses, it's teamwork!!" You exclaimed. Naruto's, Sakura's, and Sasuke's eyes widened.

"Team... work?" Sakura trailed off.

"You three are more incompetent than I thought. Sensei wanted us to work together, so that maybe we would've gotten the bells. It was so simple an idiot could figure it out. Well, then again, Naruto didn't." You said as you glared at him.

"Wait... why are there only three bells then? Instead of four?" Sakura asked. Kakashi then looked at you.

"Explain. You're the only one who knows anyways." He instructed. You nodded while putting away the sword and letting go of Sasuke's hair, but you're still sitting on him.

"Sensei did that purposely to pit us against each other in hopes of overcoming that and think about the team first. However, since you didn't do that, we're right where we are now. If all four of us went after him, we might have been able to take the bells." You explained.

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