A long journey ahead.

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You all travelled back to Konoha with the sand siblings as well as Matsuri to treat whatever wounds they had. You worked part time at the hospital because of your maaaagical healing abilites. You were just done healing up Gaara and Naruto, so the nurses wrapped bandages around whatever wounds they still had. You were about to go home, but you were suddenly called to the Hokage's office.

*knock knock*

"Come in."

You entered the office.

"You called?" You asked.

"Yes. I'm sure you know that Naruto will be away training with Jiraiya, correct?" She asked. You nodded.

"Right, but what does this have to do with me?" You asked.

"I've heard rumors spread about that you wish to leave the village and train on your on accord." She said while lacing her fingers together.

"I... hh... well... yes?" You stuttered.

"Hm... Naruto is training with Jiraiya to become stronger against the Akatsuki. Tell me, what are your reasons for training alone?" She asked. You carefully thought about your answer for a minute.

"Why? Because, I want to become stronger, not just to protect myself, but the ones I love and care about. I mostly learned my clans Jutsu by scrolls I collected from my house. So, that's why I want to learn more, or make up my own!" You replied with excitement dancing in your eyes. A soft smile grew upon Tsunade's face as she nodded.

"Very well. I grant you permission, however here." She said while reaching down and pulling out an envelope and handing it to you.

"What is this?" You asked.

"It's classified. Only the third Hokage knew what was written because he wrote it." She replied. You tilted your head, confused.

"So, why are you giving it to me?" You asked. She sighed.

"The third Hokage was saving this for a time when you would be old enough. Don't open it until you've left." She ordered. You nodded sternly.

"Yes!" You said.

You were at the gates with Shikamaru saying farewell to the sand siblings plus Matsuri.

"I owe you one." Temari said.

"No, we were just repaying the debt from last time." Shikamaru replied.

"Even though you didn't do shit." You said while smirking.

"Oi! I didn't see you almost the whole mission—!"

"BAKA!!" You screamed while hitting his head.

"I wasn't informed of this mission until later!like TenTen!!" You screamed while pulling his ear.

"OW OW!!" He kept complaining. Temari chuckled.

"You two must be close." She said.

"Not at all, she's just annoying and scary." Shikamaru said, rubbing his ear.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN 'NOT AT ALL'?!?! BITCH HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I SAVED YO DAMM LIFE?!" You screamed while sending him kicks and punches, to which he dodged all of them. Gaara subtly walked up to you.

Scroll 1: The Demon Within |Naruto| |Reader Insert|Where stories live. Discover now