you're going to kill yourself... *sigh*

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After you were excused from the hospital with a warning to 'not be so reckless', you happily skipped out of the building and to the training grounds. When you were there, you were about to pull out a scroll, brush, and ink, but a voice stopped you.

"And what do you think you're doing?" You craned your head and saw Shikamaru leaning on a tree.

"What are you doing here, asswipe?" You asked with a smirk. He sighed before pushing off of the tree and walking towards you.

"Kakashi told all of the Jonin and their squads to make sure you didn't try to do that weird jutsu you were creating until you're fully healed." He explained before laying down next to you.

"Precautions eh? Not bad, but I wasn't going to do it. I was just going to write down the wrongs and rights of the jutsu and how to measure and equal the power." You replied.

"Wow. That actually sounded smart." He said with a slight laugh.

"Shut up! I can be very smart if I wanted to." You retorted with a pout.

"But you choose not to." He said back while gazing at the clouds.

"It's not that I choose not to. I just hide my intelligence so that I can use it in battles to my advantage." You said.

"So you choose not to show your intelligence." Shikamaru retorted with a smirk.

"Shut the fuck up! I may not be as strategic as you, but I'm sure I could rival you." You grumbled.

"-scoff-  Then what if we play Shogi?" He asked while sitting up and looking at you. You thought for a moment.

"I've heard that you're incredible at Shogi, so even if I did play you, the odds wouldn't be in my favor since I don't know how to play Shogi." You replied while starting to write down your conclusion to Burakku Chidori-en.

"Want me to teach you?" He asked suddenly. Your head snapped towards him.

"You have the patience to teach me Shogi?" You asked a little stunned.

"You can't be that bad."

"I take that back you're horrible..."

"Urusai!! It's not my fault I don't have the patience for this type of shit!" You screamed while crossing your arms and glaring at the Shogi board.

"What? Are you trying to scare it?" Shikamaru asked.

"Shut up pineapple." You muttered.

'She is kinda cute when she doesn't do something right... wait... what...? Dammit, why am I thinking this? Ugh, what a drag...' He thought.

"Well, thanks for attempting to teach me. I have to resume whatever it was that I was doing..." You said while getting up.

"Yeah yeah, no problem." He replied while getting up himself.

"See ya later asswipe." You said while smirking. He sighed before rubbing his head.

"Yeah yeah, see you later too." He replied while walking away with his hands in his pockets. You smiled before running back towards the training grounds.

"Alright, back to work." You muttered. You began drawing and writing random nonsense, while muttering to yourself like an insane person.

"If 2/4 of my regular flame power, equeals Chidori, that must mean that when it's at its full flame, it's approximately three times stronger, so if I increase the Chidori power two times, it'll equal 3/4 of my flame power."

(Don't bother correcting me, I already know it's not right, all you math nerds can shut the hell up and sit the fuck down, thank you 🖤.)

You kept muttering things to yourself when you felt hot breath near your neck.

"That's a lot of math..." The voice said.

"Why are you here, Kankuro? I thought you left with the other two." You said never taking your eyes off of the scroll.

"Gaara wasn't released until now— Hey Temari! Come here and help me figure this out!" Kankuro called out.

"You're such an idiot!" She exclaimed while running up to you. Her eyes widen at the complex math.

"Woah, didn't know you were a math whiz Y/n." She said. You chuckled.

"I'm not, but I'm just calculating." You said. Gaara crouched down to the right of you and looked towards your scroll.

"Alright, I need you three to keep distance so I don't hurt you okay?" You asked. They nodded.

"Alright." You said while getting up and running towards the center of the training grounds.

"What is she doing?" Temari asked.

"No idea..." Kankuro replied while Gaara just stared at you. You held out your hands and summoned your black flame in your right.

"Chidori!!!" You shouted. Lightning engulfed your hand, but this Chidori was two times bigger than the other.

"Burakku Chidori-en!" You screamed while closing your hands together. Air waves broke apart the ground, while uprooting some trees.

"A-amazing!! That's stronger than what that Uchiha kid did against Gaara!" Kankuro said while shielding his face from any flying debris. In a flash, your black flames and Chidori were combined. It was like a regular Chidori, but it was two times bigger and with the blue lightning turning black. Since you were still new to this, you didn't have the strength to keep ahold of the power ball in your hand.

It soon exploded, causing you to fly backwards into the tree, breaking a few in the process.

"Gah!" You hissed when you landed on a tree trunk.

"Y/n!" You heard Kankuro and Temari call, followed by Gaara who had a worried expression on, which shocked you.

"Are you alright?!"

"That was so reckless!"

"You could've killed yourself!"

They continued to lecture you while you healed yourself of any external and internal injuries.

"Kankuro, Temari, I'm fine really. It's no big deal." You said calmly.

"No big deal?! HOW CAN YOU BE SO CALM?! You almost just got killed!" Kankuro said while grabbing your shoulders.

"Yeah, but I didn't." You replied casually.

"You're going to kill yourself one of these days, I swear." Temari said with a sigh. You chuckled while standing up.

"Shouldn't you three be heading back?" You asked, groaning slightly.

"Yeah, we were about to, until you decided to do your little 'Jutsu'." Kankuro replied. You nodded.

"I'll see you guys whenever then?" You asked. The three nodded. Temari hugged you and Kankuro ruffled your hair while Gaara was just standing there awkwardly not knowing what to do really. You smiled while walking up to him and quickly enveloping him in a hug and pulling away before he could process on what was happening. You then flicked his forehead making him somewhat wince.

"I'll see my red-headed buddy later." You said. He nodded, but he had a hint of pink on his cheeks which was noticed by Temari.

'So she's teaching him love without explaining it to him eh? Smart move, Y/n.' She thought. After your goodbyes, you got a very good scolding by Kakashi, to which you won the little argument by saying;

"At least I don't read porno books in front of little kids, you pedo perv."

Then you walked away like the bo$$ you are.

Heheheheh, yeah, I um well... Yeah...

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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