Chapter 1

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Most kids bond with their parents. They may go to a football game, to the theaters, go for a walk or just something else.
But when Luke bonds with his father they fight with swords. That is beacuse Luke's father is Percy Jackson.

After the war with Gaea, Percy and Annabeth went to collage and then university. And then they lived as normal people. Just kidding. After giving every god and godess their own temple they started a business called Haflblood Inc.
Haflblood Inc is a monster killing business. Percy, Annabeth and the rest of the seven are hired for quest and to fight against evil and monsters. It is very sucsessfull and they take on one to four quests a month. Besides this, Percy works as a marine biologist saving sea creatures and Annabeth is a famous architect.

All of the seven are still best friends and so are their kids. Piper and Jason have two children, Sparky and Reyna. Frank and Hazel have a daughter named Raven and Leo and Calypso have a boy named Benjamin. Luke, Sparky and Raven are all the same age, then a year later Benjamin was born. Reyna is the younges one two years younger than her brother.

Luke loves fighting his dad. Percy is the best swordman there is and Luke a picking up some traits from his father.
Duck, roll, strike, block and strike. Back, up, strike, block, slash, left and.."You are dead!" Percy says and slashes Luke's sword on the ground. "You are getting better, I could fight you for eight minuets without winning now!" Percy said and lowered the swor he had pointed at his sons cheast. "I liked how you striked back after my switch from defensive to offensive, you are...ding-dong!" It was the doorbell. "Go get it Luke, I am going to put the swords in the cabinet!"

Luke ran into the house and opened the door. When he saw who it was he cryed with excitement.
"Uncle Nico!" He gave him a big, bone crushing hug. "Who, Luke, watch out!" Nico said. "You only have one of me, do not crush me!" "I am sorry, uncle Nico, I am just so happy to see you! How did it go killing that Somalian fire dragon?"
"It went just fine, I summoned some skeletons to help me out. But are you not going to invite us inn?" Nico asked.
"Us?" Luke said. "Are there more people coming?" 'Yes, there are Luke. I brought Prince with me!"

A skinny, black haired boy with blue, energetic eyes came in. It was Prince, the adoptive son of Nico and Will Solace.
"Hi, Luke. Nice to see you." "Nice to see you too, Prince." The boys hugged. "Hi, Nico. Hi, Prince. Oh, please, come inside!" It was Annabeth. She hugged both Nico and Prince and they all sat down at the dinner table.

"So, Nico, everything went fine with the Somalian fire dragon?" "Yeah, it was only medium size. Excuse me, can I get some water? I shadowtravelled here." Luke knew that after the war with Gaea, Nico could not shadow travel at all. Now he can shadow travel all he want, but tend to get really thirsty after it.

While Nico was chugging down a glass of water, Price asked "Annabeth, is every thing right with your arm?"
She looked down on her arm, where she had a red, angry scar, from the elbow to the wrist. "Oh it only a scar from when I and Percy killed some angry, roman hippos last Saturday. They tried to eat some turist, but darling I am fine!"
A look of conserne came over Prince's face. "Let me heal it for you, Annabeth." he said and touched the scar. Slowly it beacame only a white line. Prince is a healer, just like Will, but can also help the dying by thouch. He is a handy combo that boy.

Then the doorbell rang again. Luke went and opened it, excpecing to see Will, but instead is was a woman in a green dres. "You must be little Mr.Jackson." the woman said. "Acctually i go by the name Chase-Jackson." "Well then
Mr. Chase-Jackson, you have to go to Hogwarts!"

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