Chapter 8

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Will walked into the classroom and said "Good morning class! Today you will brew your first potion. It is called Sanatium Potus and can heal small wounds if you drink it. The description is in your textbooks, now start!"
Luke could not believe his eyes and he went up to Will. "Will, why are you here?"

"I'm here to look after you and teach the kids potion making.'' "You know how to brew wizard potions?" "Yes, I am an healer, it was a part of my education to learn healing position. To brew the other ones I just follow the book!" "How are Nico and Prince going?" Luke asked. "Just fine. Now get to work!" Will said. "Nice to see you too, Will!"

Luke started making the potion. It was not that hard, if he could just read the instructions. The letters where rather small and his dyslexia was not happy. But it was manageable and soon he had a cauldron full of light purple liquid.
Will walked around and inspected their work. When he came to Luke's table he smiled. "You have done a good job! Raven that elixir is beautiful!"

Time had flown by and it was lunch time. Luke sat down by Benjamin and Albus. "How did you do?" "Great" said Albus
"But you did where so good!" "Thank you! Can you pass me the cheese?" While they ate Luke looked at the other tables.
The other kids seemed nice, even the Slytherines. I do not know why everybody seem to hate them.

After lunch it was a free period and Luke went to the Griffindor common room to read. He read the dragon book, Ron had purchased for him in Diagon Alley. Meanwhile Albus introduced Sparky to wizard chess. The book was really interesting and Luke bearly noticed when he dropped his bookmark. Albus picked it up for him.

"Is this your family?" he asked. "Ehmm..yes." It was last years annual Christmas-card. It was one of Luke's favorite pictures, which was why he used it as a bookmark. Percy stood there in his suit and a bronze helmet and Riptide in his hand. Annabeth held her draconebone sword in one hand and a dagger in the other. Luke held his sword and wore a bronze chest-plate. His younger twin-brothers, Bob and Damasen, held together a big shield.

"Why are you holding weapons?" Albus asked. "My father is a...ehmm...archeologist and a big sword enthusiast. We always take Christmas-card photos like that." "Your family seemes happy." he said. "Remainds me a bit of my own!"
Albus showed him a photo of his family. A man with black hair and glasses and a woman with red hair and kind eyes.
A boy with dark hair and a big smile and a girl who looked a lot like her mother. And then Albus.

The two boys sat down and talked about their family's. How Albus felt overshadowed by James and how Luke took responsibility over his brothers. They had much is common and lot to talk about. Luke understood how important it would be to save Albus from the former Deatheaters. He was capeble of a lot of things and could very possibly become a very powerful wizard, just like his parents.

Luke was laying in bed, thinking about his first day in Hogwarts. It had been exciting, fun and he had learned a lot. Luke could not wait to go deeper into the wizarding world. He thought it was a bit surreal that he was here, in a world where wizards existed. But, he was so glad he was. Except for that the wizarding world made his nightmares worse.

Luke was in Tartaros, shearching for his parents. The heat was slowling him down, all his wounds slowly killing him.
An army on monster came towards him followed by the 12 giants. Voldemort was with them and he had all of his friends and family in a magic prison. Luke watched as he killed them, one by one. There was blood everywhere. Voldemort came towards him and said "You will die, Luke. You will fail and everybody you care about will die."
Then he heard a wild scream.

Luke woke up to the same scream and thought he was still in the nightmare. But soon he realized it was just the solo in the rocksong Sparky was singing in the shower. Luke was at least glad that he had his friends. Or else he would never be able to go on this quest.

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