Chapter 4

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"Have you seen our future?" Luke asked. "No, young man, but others have. I just know that you are powerful children."
"Will our future be bad?" asked Raven. "Yes, but also a happy one. You just need to choose right! The old man's eyes where sad, like he knew a wizard that chose the wrong solution and had a horrible life.

"Now, who shall go first? The young man to the right, maybe?" Sparky walked to Olivander and he said "Wand arm, please!" Sparky reached out his right arm and Olivander started measuring. Soon he gave Sparky a wand.
"Hmm..11 inches, oak, unicorn hair. Might work." When Sparky waved the wand a chair in the shop flew to the wall and broke. After many wands and two more broken chairs Olivander gave Sparky a wand that looked different to the others.

"12 inches,spruce, feather of phenix." When Sparky waved the wand a lot of gold sparks appeared. Next was Benjamin, then Raven. He got 13 inches, birch, feather of phenix and she 11 inches, yew, unicorn hair. When it was my turn Olivander had a hard time searching for wands. He gave me multiple to try, but I broke even more furnicher then Sparky. At last Olivander gave me a wand and said "12 and a half inches, oak, heartstring from dragon."

I waved it and a lot of silver sparks flew out of the tip of the wand. "You all got interesting wands, children. Interesting wands with interesting stories. Take care of your future." Ron payed for the wands and we walked out of the shop. "Where do we go now?" asked Benjamin. "To my house!" Ron said with a smile.

Ron's house was one of the lovelies houses Luke had ever seen. Is was crocked, damaged and kind of breaking the physicslaws by standing up, but it was filled with love. "Welcome to my humble home!" Ron said as we walked in.
"I live here with my wife, Hermione, my mother, father and my children. There is a empty bedroom up the stairs, you will sleep there, boys. Raven you can shear room with my daughter Rose. If there is enything I can do, just ask." "Thanks for everything, Ron." We said and walked up to our rooms. It was only afternoon, but I was so tired that I fell asleep.

The next day I woke up to the smell of breakfast. When I came downstairs Sparky and Benjamin already sat by the table eating breakfasts. They where talking to Ron's son, Hugo. Later Raven and a girl, Rose, came walking down. Ron's kids looked really nice. "So you guys come from America?" Hugo asked with his mouth full of pancake. "Yes, we are." said Raven. "Is it nice there?" "Yes, it is. I like New York best." The conversation turned and they talked about New York and California, where Raven lived. They did however not tell them about the camps.

Time flew by and Luke learned a lot about the wizarding world. It seemed like a nice place to be, not extremely different to the demigod world. The Weaslys where so nice to them, they even let them practice sword fighting in the garden.
The 1st of Septhember arrived and it was time to go to Hogwarts. But Luke was suprised to see that on the ticket is sayd platform 9 3/4,  witch was obviously not a platform on Kings Cross. Ron saw his worried expression and sayd "Don't worry Luke, you will get to Hogwarts." Then he took his trolly and ran straight to the wall between platform 9 and 10.

Instead of hitting the wall Ron ran right through it. "Now you do the same!" Hermione sayd. Luke took his trolly and ran to the wall. He ran thought it, and appeard on the other side. There was a big red train on the platform and a lot of wizards getting on the train. On the front it stood eather Teh Ohwagrst esrepxs or The Hogwarts express. I went with the second option.

After thanking the Weaslys for everything we got on the train and found a empty cabin. Rose witch was also going to Hogwarts, went to some of her friends, so we where just the four of us. "Ron told me that we would be stored into houses. One for the breave, one for the loyal, one for the smart and one for the cunning. Witch house do you think we will end up in?" Sparky asked. "Obviously the house for the awesome!" Benjamin sayd.

We all burst into laughter and bearly head the knock on the door. A boy with black hair and green eyes came in.
"Can I sit with you,  every where else it is full?" "Sure, sit down!" said Raven. "And what is your name?" The boy had put his suit case on the floor and a cage with an owl next to him. "I am Albus. Albus Severus Potter." We had found the boy.

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