Chapter 3

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On Saturday Sparky, Raven and Benjamin came. They all hugged and cheard in the doorway. It was a long time since they met. "Luke, so nice to see you! Mom said that you won the siencefair, is that true?" asked Sparky.
"Yes, but how is the new movie going?" They all went inside and talked about the movie Sparky was playing in. Just like his grandfather, he was into acting. Sparky was just 11 like Luke, but had already played a big role in tree movies.

Luke sometimes envies Sparky, but for the most part he is happy for him. Sparky is a good actor and perfect for the role.
He has shiny, chocolate brown hair and a perfect withe smile. His eyes are a warm blue-green color. Every girl Luke knows has a crush on Sparky, ecsept for Raven. Raven looks a lot like her mother. She has dark skin and curly brown hair, and her eyes are dark, sort of coffee brown. Benjamin has his mother beautiful eyes and a nest of brown curls on his head. They all look different to Luke, with his jet black hair and grey eyes.

"Are you excited to go to Hogwarts?" Luke asked. "Yes, of course i am excited! I mean, wizards and magic is amaZhang!" Benjamin said, out of breath of excitment. "Hey, do not make puns out of my father, Valdes!" Raven said.
"Oh, but i was making the pun out of you, Raven Zhang." They all laughed. Benjamin had his fathers humor. Somtimes it was not good though.

Then Luke felt a hand on his shoulder. "So, kids are you ready to shadowtravell?" "Yes, Nico. We all have our bagage to."
Luke picked up his backpack and the other kids did the same. Then they all held hands and Nico said "Ready and go!"
The shadows wrapped around them and they dicepeard.

When they arrived Luke looked around. Benjamin was shearching for the Leaky cauldron. Sparky was helping Raven with her motionsickness and Nico was talking to them. Luke had shadowtraveled so often that the dizzyness did not bother him. Soon, after a lot of huggs and goodbyes, Nico had to leave. "Hey, I don't find the Leaky cauldron!" Benjamin called. "What, you need to shearch better Benny." Sparky said. "No, he is right. You can not see the Leaky cauldron." Luke said. "That is beacuse the pub is located between two buildings, see!" I pointed.

You could see the pub if you looked really closely. We all walked in through the half-visible door and into the Leaky cauldron. "Your going to Hogwarts, arn't ye'." said the bartender. "Yes we are. Could you, us the way Mr..?" Raven asked. "Name's Tom. Come here!" The bartender said and took us to a brick wall. "It's not a wall." Benjamin said"
"You're right!" said Tom and took out a stick I assumed was a wand. He tapped the wand on some of the bricks and the bricks moved and made a door-sized hole we could walk through. "It is a mechanic magic combination!" Benjamin said. "Yes, and welcome to Diagonal Alley."

A red-haired man came walking towards us and said "Are you the demigods?" "You must be Ron Weasly?" Benjamin asked. Then they both answered "Yes!" "Nice to meet you!" Ron laughed. "Do you have the shopping-list, beacuse I don't remember it." "Yes, we do." said Luke. On the list where:

Three plain work robes (black)
One pointy hat for daily use (black)
One pair of safety gloves (dragonhide or similar)
One winter robe (black with silverchains)
All clothes should be marked with the students name

One wand
One cauldron (tin, size two)
One pair of bioculars
One scale
Students can bring eather a owl OR a cat OR a toad

Further down was a list of warius textbooks. I handed the list to Ron and he said "Let's get you some robes first."
They went into a store and got robes fitted for them. There was so much to look at though the window that the whole thing was done in just a second. Next they went and bought all the books. The bookstore was like heaven. Luke loved to read, though he had dyslexia, and all these new interesting books to read was so exiting. Ron must have seen how happy Luke became when he entered the shop and said "You can pick a book that you like, apart form the schoolbooks." "How am I going to pay you back?" Luke had seen that wizards did not use eather drachmas or mortal money.

"Oh, I pay for everything. Mcgonnagal gave me some money to use, but I shal gladly buy you some other books Luke." "Thank you!" Luke picked a book called The 150 dragonspiecies and how to take care of them and another one, The guide to alchemy and magic. After that they went to buy potion ingredients. Luke wanted to by all of the things in the shop just to see what they where. Benjamin made Sparky charmspeak (a power he got from his mother) to get some unicorn blood. I do not know what he wanted with it. They also bought scales and binoculars.

"Now it is time to by you wands!" Ron said and took them to a shop called Olivanders wands. On the inside the shop was filled with shelves full of small boxes. A small man with white hair came to them and said "Ah, the special guests. Mcgonnagal told me about you. You will need very special wands if you want to survive your future!"

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