Chapter 5

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Luke had many thought going through his head. Should he try to get to know Albus? Should he ask about his parents past? Should he try to make himself look like a good friend? He decided to just get to know him at first.
"We have heard about you, but do not worry, we don't expect something from you." Albus seemed relived. It was clear that people just treated him as his father son, witch was something Luke understands.

"So what are your names?" Albus asked. It was Benjamin that replied. "Well, my name is Benjamin Valdes, but you can call me Benny, Ben, the Big Ben, Badboy supreme junior, McShizzle, Buford's babysitter and.." "It is enough, Benjamin!" Raven shouted. "Excuse us. My name is Raven Zhang and this here is Sparky McLean." "And you are...?" asked Albus.
"Luke Olympus Chase-Jackson. Call me Luke."

"Have you parents been to Hogwarts?" "No, we got to know we where wizards recently. We do not know if our family's have wizards blood, like yours." said Sparky. "Sorry, but have I seen you before? Your name sounds familiar."
"Yeah, I am an actor. I play in the movie series of Zack Zackini the kid spy. You probably have seen me there."

They all started talking about their interest. Sparky talked about acting and singing, Benjamin about cooking and building stuff. He even showed his magic tool belt that he got for this 8 birthday party. Raven talked about her love for drawing and archery and Albus about a sport called..Quidditch? When it was my turn I just told I liked reading.
I also have a great love for sword fighting, but decided it was not very smart to talk about your monster-killing hobby the first time you meet some one.

A lady knocked on the door and said "Enything from the trolly?" Albus went and bought some things and came back and showed us. "See, these are chocolate frogs. Inside you get a card with a famous wizard on it. Ant there are Berty Bottom all-flavor-beans. They really come in all flavors!" There was a lot of new candy to try and time flew by. Soon Rose came to us and said "You should probably get into your robes now. We will arrive soon."

I got my bag out to find the robe, but had to take some clothes out to find it. "What is that t-shirt? Does is say Halfblood? Albus asked and pointed at my Camp Halfblood shirt. " is a t-shirt I got from my cousin. He was at a supportcamp for halfbloods. His mother is a mermaid." Albus seemed to believe me.

Then we arrived at Hogwarts. The architecture, oh my gods. It was just the most beautiful half-gothic, half-medieval style castle I ever have seen. Every thing from the base to the towers where just perfection. I could not wait to get inside to see the interior. "Sparky, do you see the windows on the third floor? They look at lot like they where built in the 1800. How old do you think the castle is?" "I don't know and I don't care. Please, do not start talking about architecture to me, I see that the castle is beautiful." "The tower are..." "Shut up, Luke!" Sparky said. "Don't blame him, after all he grew up with Annabeth Chase!" They all laughed.

"All first years, here. All first years!" a man called out. He was really big, with long, black hair and beard and hade a long, brown coat on. "Hagrid!" Albus said and gave the man a big hug. "Albus, good to see ya'. Every thing alright?"
"Yes, these are my new friends, Sparky, Raven, Ben and Luke!" "Com'on lets get to the boats!"

They went to Hogwarts in little, wooden boats, witch was quite nice. Hagrid went first, he took up a whole boat by himself, with a lantern. When we went inside I was speechless. The inside was even more beautiful then the outside.
Then Proffessor Mcgonnagal came into the room. "Good evening, students. The sorting starts every minute, so make yourself look respectable. You wait here until I tell you to enter the Great hall."

Ant they waited, not very long though, maybe 5 minutes, and where told to enter. The Great hall was indeed great. The roof had been enchanted to look like the sky outside and was filled with stars. Candles where floating, lighting up the place. Four long tables. Filled the room, one for each house. All the teachers stood at theyr own table, Mcgonnagal by a podium. And infront of her was a treelegged stool and the magical sorting...hat?

Proffessor Mcgonnagal started to call their names in alphabetical order. She called up a name and a red haired boy came up. Mcgonnagal put the hat on his head and it screamed Ravenclaw. Albus was one of the first who got sorted, he got Griffindor. All the students got sot sorted and soon it was Luke's turn. As the hat hit his head he heard a voice say
"Well, wel, we have one demigod here with a big problem!"

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