Chapter 18

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Luke Pov

We all stand there in the hallway, the hallway that least to the forth floor to be exsact, me, Albus, Raven and Ben. We are spying on one of the possible assains. I have dicided that even though Sparky is not here we need to start the reshearch as soon as possible. Albus and Ben where not sure how we would know if this student was working with this new threat, but me and Raven have a plan. We have made a sound track with the voice of Voldemort playing in hope of getting a good  reaction out if the suspect. I mean, it sounds stupid, but we think that it atleast is a good start.

Albus helped us find a dream file, yes that actually exists, from the Hogwarst arcive with Voldemorts voice. Then we edited it to try and scare the students when they are alone, to know if they have had a connection with the dark forces.
We had a little audioplayer that Raven threw infont of the student. It was a 7'th year, Ravenclaw girl with brown, long hair and green eyes. When she heard the voice in the soundtrack she jumped and looked around. Voldemorts voice started talking...

You are worthless, look at you.
You failed your mission.
You could not serve your lord to help me rise again.
You are lucky if he keeps you alive, you ussle child!
Worse than a muggle.
Kill that evil offspring or your master will kill you!

The girl did not hear all of the message, since she ran away screaming. Albus whispered "I don't think it's her! I mean, we should keep looking!" We preformed the experiment on one more subject, a 15 year old Slytherin boy, without any succes, but then we needed  go to class.

Luke had been noticing that performing magic was becoming harder now, but he still had fun doing it. He was really fascinated by the wizard world and how these powers where so natural to them. I mean Sparky can charmspeak and Ben's left hand can controle flames, but this magic is so different. It's not a gift you get from the gods to keep your home and the world safe, it's more a tool that the Wizards use to make their life easier. Of course Luke knew wizards used their magic for more important things too, but he still found it fascinating to compare these to kinds of powers.

After dinner Luke found himself in the Forbidden forest swordfighting again. After the attac on Albus he had done this more and more frequently. Luke loved swordfighting, but this training was more out of guilt. After his reacherch he had seen that they really wanted Albus dead. The new dark lord was a combination of former Deatheaters that had untited to  bring back Voldemort.

But the Deatheaters had not only just joined forced, they had littrually joined themeselfs together to a new more powerful human. Luke found that unbelivebly gross and it seemed impossible, but if you reaschearch enough ancient, old, evil magic you will be able to merge yourself with other alive human beeings. Yay!

Luke had no idea how he and four other kids would be able to stop him, but he atleast knew they could stop his assassin. Now they only had two suspects again, so if one of them would answer they could innterigate it later. Luke knew that Raven and Ben where now out with the audioplayer, trying to find the assain. Hopefully tomorrow, when Sparky comes back they could find him or her.

The only thing that Luke was worried about now was Rose. She had been following then ever since the attac and now Luke knew she had been spreading bad rumors about him and his friends. If she somehow would get the information that they where demigods, that could result in that they would need to leave Hogwarts, and could not protect Albus.

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