Chapter 20

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Ben Pov
I have been up all night trying to make a rope. Witch sounds easy, but I want the rope to coil itself around the human it is thrown at and tighten around it. That would not even be so hard if the rope would be made entirely out if metal, but it can not be too heavy. Now it has to be a normal rope with metal around it, but it has to be able to bend and it is a struggle. I just wish I was like my dad, he would be able to make this stupid rope in under a minute. Why am I so weak?!?

I love making things, like my dad, Leo Waldes, but I'm just not good under pressure. This is important since this
rope-metal-snake-thing-ar-ma-geddon is needed for tonight, when we are going to sneak out and capture the assassin.
As the Waldes Jr. I know I can do this, but now I am having a meltdown and I am so tired. I'm as useful as a blob of jam, laying on the floor in my miseries.

Luckily Raven is doing tonight homework for me, since first of all, I have no idea what is in a Limus lentum potion, and second, I'm so tired. When I. Was finally done with the self-human-hunting-rope I fell down on my bed and blacked out.
When my usual demigod nightmares began I did not even notice.

Luke Pov
Sneaking out of bed, at night, at Hogwarts is very hard. There are guards everywhere, in form of suits of armor, and there are teachers roming the halls. Even though, we where going to make this. Raven and I had borrowed a map from the library and I think I know how to get us safely to sixth floor, where we can find our infiltrator and assassin.

We have to get up three flights of stairs how ever and that is the hard part. Hogwartsstairs are never nice, especially during night time. They sometimes just make you take the longest, most complicated, frustrating way to your location. It is really the way that Ben would call a short-cut.

This night we where lucky. With some simple magic and ecstramly difficult mid-air stair jump preformed by Sparky, we got to the sixth floor. "Let me see the map!" Raven said. "There are like a billion corridors here!" "Wow, you can't count!" Ben angrily wisphers. "They are one billion and sixty two, gosh, Raven Zhang!" Despite the crushing atmosphere we giggle.

"Ok, I found it!" Raven exclaimed and starts leading us down a corridor. Soon we come to a crossroad so I take the map and try to figure it out. I have studied my fare share of maps, beeing the son of my mother. Hogwartsmaps however are not easy, since they move and sometimes show hidden rooms and try to trick you. Poor wizard-architects, your blueprints must hate you even more then this map hates me now.

We find the room of the assassin and get in. It is a boy, tall, brown hair, calles himself David. Sleeps in Ben number two, from the left wall. I sneak near the bed with Sparky on my right and Ben on my left. Albus and Raven come behind us, ready to give backup. We are half a meter away from the bed. It is tense when me and Sparky start to cast a spell, that wil make 'David' unable to move. Ben throws the rope and it coils it self around him. His face does not move.

Then David come bursting down from the celing, jumping on the doll in the bed, with a knif in his hand.

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