Chapter 9

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Albus woke up slightly acward. Luke had appered in his nightmare again, forsing it away. He needed to talk about that with him today. At breakfast he sat down besides him and started to ask him "Em, Luke, i have a question .." "Oh, im sorry Albus, i was talking to Benjamin, what did you say?" "I... do you have the scedule, i forgot mine." he lied.
"Yes, the first class is DADA." Suddenly Albus realised that Luke had not been speaking to Benjamin, at least no sound came out of his mouth. Had they a way to comunicate without words?

In DADA the teacher thought them a lot about gnomes and other magical things that live in your house. I and Raven paret together and wrote an page about gardengnomes. I really lived working with Raven. She was a bit different them her other friends, i don't know what it is about her. But she is so nice, cute and funny.

Albus was sat at the library with Rose, working at an essay about wizardhistory. He wanted to work on it with some of his roommates, but they where all done with it. "Don't you think it is weird how the kids learn?" "Learn what and what kids?" Rose asked. "Luke, Benjamin, Raven and Sparky. All of them are good at charms, potions, DADA and practical wizard stuff like that. But both Luke and Ben are dyslectic and they are all kind of hyper. You would not think that when they work together they work like, super fast!"

Rose was silent for a while. "You said that theyr parents are friend, maybe they have grown up together." "Yes, maybe!"
Then Albus heard a deep, loud sound, like a rumble. The whole room was shaking and books flew out of the shelfes.
Then a creature popped out of the wall.

The creature looked lika a woman, but it had snakes for legs and it had a big sphear, like it was ready to kill me. The snakelady hissed at me and more snakewomen appered. Then Sparky and Luke ran into the room with swords and attacked the snakeladys. Benjamin and Raven came and joined in. It was incredeble!

They where fighting like they had never done enything else. When they killed the monsters, they turned into gold dust.
It was kind of magical watching them duck, roll, hit, block, strike and pair. Raven, different from the boys, used a bow. Soon all the humansnakes where gone and they where like ten at the beginning.

When all the monsters where gone they looked around and noticed me. "Get him, Sparky. Him and the girl!" I was afraid and tried to get up and run away, but I could not move. Sparky walked towards me and said "I am so sorry!"
Then I heard "You do not remember enything. Now sleep!" Everything went black.

I woke up in the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey standing over me. "You are awake, good! We found you and Rose knoked out in the library, you have been out for the past ten hours. What happened?" Albus sat up and tryed to remember. It was hard. Both the sitting-up and the remembering. He could not recal enything after he had been talking to Rose.

"I don't know. I can't remember." He said. "Well, some of your friends came and visited while you where away. Left you a card with a ribben on it. So nice kids, othere then that rude boy that visited a pasient yesterday." Madam Pomfrey walked away, rambeling to herself.

Albus took up the card on the nightstand, and it had a ribben on it. The card said "We are so sorry. If you recal enything, talk to us. Hope that you feel better now. Luke, Sparky, Ben and Raven." The card had a bloodstain on it.

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