Chapter 11

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Luke was having a bad dream. But not like a normal bad-demigod-dream, more like a this-is-such-a-bad-dream-that-I-have-a-headache-all-thought-I'm-sleeping-dream. In at sucks!

Luke was in a picth dark room, tied to a chair. A dark, mysterious figure was looming over him, with a knife. The knife was dripping with Luke's blood. "You will never stop me, pathetic child! I'm the new dark lord, nobody can stop me!"
The man stabbed him in the gut with the knife and Luke felt the pain like liquid fire through his wains. Every second was like an hour. He wanted to cry, he wanted to plead for mercy, but he knew his friends whould be tourtured if he did not keep his mouth shut.

When Luke woke up he could still feel the pain. He had no visible wounds, but where 'the dark lord' had stabbed him he had massive phantom pain. Luke tried to act normal and managed to keep calm through first period. After lunch all the first years had free time and he ran into the forbidden forest with his sword.

An hour later Luke was sweaty and hot, but very happy. Sword training always made him happy and relaxed. He had been training on an improvised dummy, made if a tree, leaves and his sweater. Luke's sword was a arming-sword of celestial bronze, that Leo had specialized for him. The weight and grip was perfect. It even had his name on the handle, written in Greek.

Two years ago, their parents had all given the children weapons for Christmas. Raven got a bow, with arrows of imperial gold. Luke and got an arming-sword, Sparky a sparta, Ben and Prince got short-swords, made of the metal they preferred. It had been the best Christmas ever. Bob, Damasen and Reyna had been so jealous, but they had goten daggers and where fine after that.

When he came back to the common room, Sparky came running. "We have a problem! Your mom Iris-messaged me and told me that there is an infiltrater at Hogwarts!" "What do you mean, Sparky? Someone trying to kill Albus or us?"
"Trying to kill both! The man who has the quest of 'forfilling Voldemorts job' has sent a kid to try to kill us. We do not know the age or gender. We can't trust no one!"

"Slow down, you said that my mom told you this?!?" "Yes' said Sparky. "She had been gathering information about 'the new dark lord' and found a bit of his plan. And before you ask Luke, I do not know enything more." Sparky said.
This changed everything. Now there was someone hunting Albus, witch made things so much harder.

Luke was sitting in the library with Raven and Benjamin, working on their Charms-homework. He and Sparky had told them about the infiltrator and they where all worried. If someone wanted to kill Albus so bad that you send an assassin after him, you must be serious. They had just been here for a few weeks, but Luke had seen that Albus could become a powerful wizard, just like his father, the famous Harry Potter. And that was something that 'the new dark lord' would not like.

When Luke was trying to fall asleep a thought struck him. The reason that he was sent to Hogwarts was to protect Albus. If he could protect him, the new dark lord would try to kill him. But that was a risk he was willing to take, if it would save his friends.

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