Chapter 19

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Albus Pov

When Sparky came back we threw a little celebration party and started planning what to do next.  Now we had only three suspects left and we where going to test them soon. It was exciting and scary and when I went to sleep I just kept  twisting and I could not fall asleep. I was just thinking about this hopeless situation that I'm in. Former slaves of the worst wizard alive, merged together to create a new evil, revenging their dead master and all of this to kill me and my family. Sweet dreams, Albus!

But, I'm also worried about Rose. She is my friend and a relative, but she has been spreading bad rumors about my friends and I can't take that. I have been trying to speak to her, but I think she is mad I chose the demigods, who she thinks are just weird strangers , over her. I don't know what to do. I want to write home, but mom and dad where suprised I didn't want to come home for Christmas, so telling them I'm leaving my relatives to fight off Voldemorts Deatheaters would not be great.

But, I want to fight them, since this has been the most fun I have had for as long as I can remember. Beeing the son of the famous Harry Potter is not easy and I always felt like I was just for show. People think I'm great, beacuse my family is great, but they won't see what I can do. They just assume I'm just like my dad.

Now I have a chance to fight back, with friends who make me feel better. Luke, Raven, Sparky and Ben where sent here to protect me, but also to make me able to fight back. Even though I have done nothing, really, now I can learn and see how I can prevent the new dark lord of destroying every thing I know, starting with me.

Sparky Pov

It was weird coming back to Hogwarts. I love acting and beeing away was so much fun, but coming back to our secret project of finding the assassin was special. I have gone on quests before, but now I feel lika real spy, like the spy I play in my movies, Zack Zackini the kid spy. But doing this while keeping up with Hogwarts learning is a whole another thing.
The day's first class was challenging. Magic is fun, but hard and now we have to learn Quiddich too, starting tomorrow morning. Albus has played it before and everyone says he is good at it, but we are total newcomers to this weird sport.

Quiddich is not my main fear right now, though. Me, Ben and Luke are going out to test another suspect, a Huffelpuff boy, who could be the assassin. He is not the main threat, a 7'th year Slytherin boy has taken that place. When we tested him with the sound file, he freaked out and looked around befor whispering something we think was "I'm sorry, my lord!" He could just be a mumbeling, superstitious boy, but we thing it is suspicious.

When we where doing our homework Ben got a great idea. "We could test the head target more, by looking at him playing Quiddich in the upcoming Quiddich mach. If Albus gets picked into the Gryffindor team they have to shake hands. Then we could see if he recognizes Albus. Also when he is playing we could thras the changing room to find any clues!" "That is a great idea Ben!" Raven says. "When is that match?" "In two weeks." Albus answers.

"I don't know if I can get into the team though." "But you are like supergood, right?" Ben asks. "Also your dad got into the Gryffindor team at this age, so you can do that too!" says Raven. "We believe in you!"
We had a new plan.

Also, I'm so sorry I have not been updating in so long. I have no excuse, I have just been lazy and forgetful. Even though I hope you like the story! I am going to try to remember to update more frequently. Sorry again, and thank you for reading.

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