Chapter 13

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The 31 of October was a nerve wracking day. Luke and his friends had decided to tell Albus during the dinner, since then he would have the least chance to freak out if he became flabbergasted. The day went by in a daze and when it was dinner time, Luke was stressed.

He really wanted to keep Albuses trust, if he would not want to talk to them, how could they protect him?
But he did know that the world of Greek mythology was hard to understand. If Albus became scared it was just normal. If he did not believe them...that would be worse. But he was only eleven, so young enough to still believe what he was told. This was complicated.

Luke had spoken with the others and it was his job to tell Albus. As Benjamin quoted "You speak, i will catch him if he runs away!" Luke sat down next to Albus and said "We need to talk!"

Albus Pov

Only by the look on Luke's face, i could see that something was wrong. The dark rings around his eyes had deepend and Luke's stress made the air thicken. "What is wrong?" Albus asked. Luke lowered his voice to a whisper. "I know that you might have many questions about me, Sparky, Raven and Ben. Might think our behavior is  unnormal or even frightening beacuse you have been spying on us.  It would be mean to betray your trust, so now it is time that you know the truth."

Albus was shocked. How could Luke read his mind like that? How could they know all of this? Albus suddenly remembered the last thing his father said to him before he left to go to Hogwarts. "Be nice and don't trust people that are hiding things from you. Just be safe!"

Albus knew that if his father would know about his friendship with these kids, who openly had told him they had been  holding things a secret, he would be so mad.  He would say that they worked for Voldemort, witch at the moment was a possibility, and then demand them jailed. But Albus was not like his dad and trusted Luke. "Tell me!"

"Ever heard about Greek mythology? It is the reason I live. We are not wizards , even though we can preform magic. We are halfbloods, or half human and half god. And not like the god that supposedly sits on a cloud , playing a flute, and has a lot of angels. No the Greek gods are mighty and powerful..." " Zeus and Hades and...." "Do not say their names out loud! I'm sorry, it's just that a monster would normally appear around this time since we have been in the same place so long." Luke smiled to apologize and kept going.

"We came here to protect you against a new force, a man who calls himself 'the new dark lord'. He has sent an assain to kill you and we where sent to kill him instead. We have not detected him yet, but we will find him sooner or later. I am sorry if this is to much to handle, but I swear it is the truth." Albus looked into his stormy, grey eyes and said "I think I believe you!"

At that moment we heard a gigant roar and the sound of something breaking. It came closer and filled the room with panic. In the meantime Luke just took up a sword from nowhere and jumped up on the table. Sparky did the same and Raven had a bow and Ben, little Ben, was the scariest of them all with eather a long knife or a little sword in his hand and the other hand was on fire.

Bursting through the doors came five dogs, does not sound scary, you think, but each of them where the size of a car. Luke and the others just started to run towards there beatst and all yelled a war cry before attacking them. Watching them fight was so brutal, but beautiful. A memory in the back of my brain started buzzing and I had the feeling I had seen them fight before. My eyes where locked of the kids as one after one the monsterdogs turned to gold dust.

When the last one was killed Sparky stood up and yelled "Albus, cover your ears!" I instantly did, even though I wanted to hear what he said. I watched as all of the students in Hogwarts, on Sparkys demand, first repaired the mess and then walking back to their seats. As the students started to look around Sparky said something and they all got a dead look behind theyr eyes. I took my hands from my ears and hear Sparky say "Now sleep!" My last though before I fell into dreamless sleep was 'Why didn't I just listen to him, beacuse he is freakishly magical'.

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