Chapter 2

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"Can i come in?" the woman asked. I took her to the dining room and she sat down at the table. Percy had now also joined us. The woman had a old, respecteble face and her hair was in a tight bun. She had a pair a small glasses on her nose and her green dress looked more like a robe.

" I am Minerva Mcgonnagal, the headmistress of Hogwarst school of wizarding and witchcraft. It is a school for wizards. Wizards are real and yes, Luke, I will tel you the storie later. Some years ago the wizards where in war with a evil wizard, named Voldemort. A brave boy killed Voldemort and most of his followers. Some of the followers survived and wanted revenge. Now they have made an evil organization to end what Voldemort started. Now, the son of Harry Potter, who killed Voldemort, is in great danger. I would like you Luke, to join our school the first year and protect the boy."

"But, mom, dad, I can't go! I need to go to Camp Halfblood!" Luke said and looked at his parents. "Luke, some times you have to do things you do not want to do. This is a very important quest for you." said Percy. "You knew about this?" Luke asked. "Yes, Luke, we do." said Annabeth. "Professor Mcgonnagal had contact with us a few weeks ago, you know when we went out to save those teens from the gryffins, and we said yes to her plan. The boy may be killed if you do not go to help him!" "But mom, Annabeth, I can't do this. Why do I need to help the boy, I am not powerful enough to do that!" Luke said.

"Yes you are. You are the perfect friend for the boy. Smart, brave, kind and a good fighter. Just like your parents." Proffessor Mcgonnagal said. Luke was suprised. "Do you know mom and dad?" She laughed. "Oh, yes I do. My friend Dumbledore was a great friend to Chiron. I have heard a lot about the legendary Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase." Percy and Annabeth blushed. "But, you know that Luke is not a wizard?" Percy said.

"Luke is indeed a wizard. Did not you know that beacuse of your godly blood every demigod is a wizard. With the blessing of a god he can perform magic." said Proffessor Mcgonnagal. The gods hade approved to bless the children of demigods with a power, to make the demigod population grow. There were so many happy roman legiats that day. After birth Luke had been blessed by Posidon, and has the power to control water and couse earthquakes, but has yet to learn how to do it. Percy has helped him a lot though.

Proffessor Mcgonnagal said "I have also invited your friends, Sparky, Raven and Benjamin to come with you. So Luke will you join us at a year at Hogwarts?" "I can not say no. Beacuse of Voldemorts followers, the boy is clearly in danger. I approve my year at Hogwarts to help Mr..." "Mr. Albus Severus Potter." said Proffessor Mcgonnagal. "Here is a list over every thing you will need to attend Hogwarts. You and your friends will fly to London Saturday morning.."
"Please, Proffessor Mcgonnagal, can't we don't go there by plane, please?" Luke had inherited Percy's fear of planes and Annabeth's of spiders.

Nico who had sat silent the whole conversation said "I can shadow travel with the kids to London, Proffessor."
"Well then, you shadow travel to London Saturday morning and find a pub kalled the Leaky cauldron. There you meet a man kalled Ron Weasly, who will take you shopping. The tickets to the train you will take to Hogwarts, is in the envelope. I hope to see you at Hogwarts, Luke." Then she just dicepeard with a loud 'pooff'.
"Now, Luke, I think you should call Sparky, Raven and Benjamin!" Annabeth said with a smile.

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