Chapter 10

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"Benjamin Valdez, you did what?!?" Luke shouted. "I may have spilled a little blood on the card we gave to Albus, but he will never notice!" Albus ran into the room "Guys, is everything alright, why was there blood on the card you sent me?"

Luke diceded to not say enything, in fear of his voice breaking. Benjamin had 'accidentally' cut a mortal with his knife, after this mortal 'was in the way'. "Oh, it is nothing, just my regular 12-a-clock nosebleed. I get nosebleeds all the time!" " not that a problem?" Albus asked clearly not totally convinced. "Yes, but we have tried burning the channels in my nostrils three times, and it did not work!" said Benjamin.

"Is that not expensive?" "No, my dad does it for free.." I kicked Benjamin in the leg. "...cause he is a doctor." he said.
"So Albus, do you remember what happened in the library, by any chance?" Luke said to change the subject. "No" said Albus, his face in pain, trying to recal the memories. I felt bad for him, but he could not know who we really where.

"We..we found you and Rose, on the floor at the library. We did not know how long you had been there and we where worried. There where books around you..did you knock yourself out with books?" "I do that ever time I read!" Benjamin said. "You are one of a kind, Valdes." Raven sighted.

"I don't know. Everything just went black. Did I miss enything important at eny class?" Albus asked. "No, we wrote an essay for you, do that you did not fail." said Sparky. "The teachers liked it!" Albus looked suprised. "You did that for me?" "Yes, or Luke and Raven did." Benjamin said. "I was emotional support!"

"Albus, you can count on us. We are your friends!" "Thanks," Albus said. I think that the boy has never had real friends, outside of his siblings and Rose. Well, that counts for me too, but atleast I got my brothers. Bob and Damasen where some of his best friends, not like Albus and James. That was kind of sad, everybody should be able get along with their family.

The next day their first class was potions. It was Luke's second favorite subject, especially beacuse Will was the teacher.
After class Will gave Benjamin his birthday present. Benjamin's birthday is in early September, but Will ordered the gift of Amazon, so it had just arrived. The gift was a Ares Mytomagic figurine, the only one that Benjamin needed to complete his collection.

He was so happy, skipping down the hallway. Luke was happy for him, he had compleated his colection a long ago. It was kind of a family tradition to play Mytomagic. After the war with Gaea, Nico had tried to get Percy to play Mytomagic with him. Percy had been depressed and Nico thought playing a game would help. Percy had said that he did not have time for child-games, but Nico had then quoted "One time someone told me is was ok to be a child sometimes!"

After that it became a tradition and Luke, Sparky and Raven had grown up playing it. But, now as Benjamin was skipping down the hallway, a dark figure approached. Luke recognized it as Alfie, a tall, strong 13 boy from Slytherine.
"Ha, ya' look like a girl!" he snorted and put his foot out so Benjamin tripped. "Ha ha, you'r dumb, mudblood!" He laughed and stared to walk away. Luke saw red.

Nobody was allowed to hurt or insult his friend, and Alfie did both. Luke ran towards him and tackled him down. Alfie hit the floor and grunted. Luke turned him around and put his elbow on his throat. "If you ever do that again, to my friend or other kids I will personly come and rip out your toung, so you can't go around and insult people!" Alfie squealed and ran away as fast as possible. Luke helped Benjamin up and beacame angry.

"Benny, you alright?" Benjamin had a massive nosebleed, turning his clothes red. Luke took up his wand and sayd a spell he had just learned. "Stricta est!" The nosebleed stopped and Benjamin hugged him, but it was a long distance hug, so I did not get blood on my robe. "What would I do without you, Luke?" he said. "You would bleed out, Ben, that is the reality!" We both laughed and walked down the hallway, trying to get to lunch in time.

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