Chapter 14

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When I woke up I was in my bed like any normal morning at Hogwarts. Except that last night dinner had been nothing from normal. I looked around and saw Sparky, Raven and Ben, dressed playing wizard-chess, and Luke reading in his bed. All of them walked towards me when they saw I was awake.

"So what do you recal?" Sparky asked. "I know that you are not wizards." I said. "Are you not afraid?" asked Raven.
"No, I don't think so. You are my friends, wizards or not. Now can you explain a little further what you are. This is all confusing, even though I believe you." Sparky smiled a bright, white smile. "Well that's for sure!"

The rest of the morning went I explaining to Albus what they where and why they where here. "I'm trying to understand and I think I have got the basics. I just can't believe that you are half gods. It's amazing!" "You mean amaZhang!" Ben said and started laughing. Albus just looked confused, but smiled anyway.

"You can not tell this to anyone, Albus!" Raven said. "Not even Rose." "Why can't I tell anyone. I mean you are all fantastic and powerful. Why can't people know!" Luke sighted. "Many people dislike demigods and the ones that do would kill us if they knew we where here. Also 'the new dark lord's' assain would be better of not knowing who we are.

He will capture you and kill you if he can, beacuse you can become a threat in the future. If he know we can protect you we will just couse more danger."  "Even though I would like people to know how awsome I am. Whould get the girls coming to Benny!" said Benjamin and took a fornt flip. Albus laughed. "You are one of a kind Ben, one of a kind!"

Beacuse of last night 'incident' there where no teaching so we where all in the Forbidden forest. You might think it is a bad idea, but the demigods said it was fine. They sat in the shadow of a tree and they told Albus about their advertures. It was so magical and they where all engaged in the story, even though Albus was the only one that had not heard the stories before.

Raven and Sparky where reenacting a battle when Luke stood up. "Did you guys hear that? There was a noice, just like someone was hiding in the tree." He sat down again, but then Ben rose up. "It smell of chicken pasta here! I'm not kidding!" "It probably nothing, Ben." said Raven. Then I felt something grab me form behind.

Sparky and Raven both drew their weapons, but Ben started running after Albus, beacuse the thing that grabbed him was now trying to run away. He tried to break away but the thing was stronger and threw him on its back. Albus could wagely hear them running after him and suddenly he was dropped to the ground. When Albus fell he could se a arrow stand out of the things hand. The pain made Albus dizzy and his left leg was numb.

The thing was man, wrapped in black from head to toe, covered in some sort of smoke. Ben, Sparky and Raven started attaking, but he just grabbed Ravens bow and swong it in a broad circle and knocked them all to the ground. Then he threw some sort of powder at them and they blacked out.

Then Luke was suddenly on the mans back strangling him with his shoelace. The man tried to knock Luke in the ground, but he lowered himself and kicked the man in his knee, making him fall. Luke kicked the man multiple times in the face, still strangling him. The man grabbed Sparky's sword and stared cutting Luke wich made Luke release him and the man ran away.

Then Luke ran away too, but came back to Albus after checking on the others first. "You, you're bleeding!" Albus said when Luke came and helped him up. "I know, but you are more important. Can you walk?" "I think so. I, I don't know!"
"It's alright, just try to walk over to your wand and send out a signal for help. Ben and Raven are the most injured, they stood the closest to the bow.....when they got hit. Tell them we forgot something here and an centaur was mad for us beeing here.........sorry, I just".......Then Luke dropped to the ground

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