Chapter 21

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Luke Pov
I instinctively grab my sword, wich I luckily had strapped to my back, just in case, and point it to David. "Why are you here?" I snear, backing away. In the corner of my eye I can see the other try to make a formation behind me, with their weapons drawn. David jumps down on the floor and says "You kids think you are really smart, don't you. Since you found out where I was. Hiding in plain sight, you think, I was waiting for you to find me!"

David moves his knife to his other hand and draws another one. "The only reason I have not killed you yet is beacuse the boss needs one of you alive." "Who is your boss?" I asked, matching him, waiting for him to attack. David laughs, his face making something I think is supposed to resemble a smile."I'm not telling you, but I think you know. Demigods are smarter then wizards after all. That they have not discovered our plan. Wizards are so oblivious and need to die!" David lashes out with his knife and the fight brakes loose.

Even though we are five and he is alone, it gets intense quickly. Albus can not really fight, but he tries his best to cast spells and curses on David. We get him up in a corner, but it does not help. It is hard to swing a sword in such a closed space, and David keeps throwing himself around, making it nearly impossible to get a good hit. Behind me I hear Albus trying to cast an freezing spell, but he does not hit his target.

David starts getting desperate when we close in and throws one of his knifes and it hits Raven. Sparky and I close in and Ben jumps up on a nightstand. I try to disarm David, and while he is distracted by me and Sparky, Ben throws a glowing vase at him. Sparky stabs him in the gut and I get the knife out of his hands.

David moves like a whirlwind and grabs the nightstand Ben was standing on, throwing it in my face. He starts heading for the open window, and I know if he gets out he will get reenforcements. Then Albus manages to throw the spell at David and he falls to the floor. Meenwile Raven had got Ben's rope and throws it at David. After a quick stab in the gut and a big blow to the head, we throw him into the corner.

"What do we do to him?" Sparky asks, out of breath. "You let me free, I got information." David croackes from the corner. "You will need to travel to another castle,when the former Deatheaters are reforming themselfs. They are going to try to make everyone in the wizarding world a follower of them. They will enslave every one!"

"Where is this castle?" I ask. David tries to break free, but gives up and looks at us with a stare that could make food rotten and animals die. "I can give you directions, if you can give me gold. I am don't work for them by free will. If you can get to the castle and somehow stop them you will save all the wizards in the world, including the innocent souls they torture, like my family." I stopped to think for a while. "Albus, untie him, we have a castle to find."

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