Chapter 12

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When i whatched the spy-movies that Sparky played in i always wanted to be a spy. Now I'm not proud to say that I have been a spy. I Albus Severus Potter, spyed on my friends. It was not the planed to spy on them, it just happened. And now I'm really confused.

When I was going to bed I could not sleep. And neither could Benjamin, beacuse I heard him walk over to Luke's bed.
This was in the middle of the night. "Luke, I can't sleep. Luke!" Both Luke and Sparky woke up and they sat down.

"What's wrong, Ben?" "I was just thinking about the infiltrator...and..I'm scared. I know we have done quests before, but now, it is like another force that wants to kill us!" "Ben, it's going to be alright! Albus is a great wizard and we will fight through this together!" Sparky said. "The new dark lord is not as powerful as he wants us to believe he is." said Luke.
"He sends a kid to kill us! He is to afraid to do it himself. He knows we will stop him!"

I was shocked. Who was 'the new dark lord'? Why would he want to kill us? Has he enything to do with Voldemort?
And why does it seem like Luke and Sparky are protective of Benjamin? Is he younger then us? He looks like he is. That can't be, cause you need to be eleven to enter Hogwarts. This was boggling my mind.

Luke Pov

"I think we need to tell Albus about our 'other' family." Raven looked up from her text and said "We where not supposed to tell him, and if we needed to it should be when the Hogwarts semester is over!" "Yes, i know, but if you have not noticed, Albus has been spying on us the past days and has clearly many questions." Sparky stood up from his game of wizard-chess and joined our conversation.

"I think he overheard us talking to Ben last night. And I agree, we need to tell him, before he doesn't trust us eny more!"
Luke looked down on his want. He did not want to tell poor Albus about the demigod world, because he might get scared. Luke had found a friend in the boy and did not want to lose him.

"On Halloween night, that is when we should tell him. It is one week from now, he will not backstab us so quickly. Also it might be the best timing if he is already expecting something scary. Then he is less likely to think we are the monsters." "That is a very good plan Luke" said Sparky. "But monsters are more likely to attack us then!" Luke smiled.
"Then we can proof that we are demigods, by killing the eventual monster."

Luke thought his plan was ok, it was their best chance to still keep their friendship. There was one thing that he thought was dumb about it however. Albus might tell headmistress Mcgonnagal and expel them. Luke did not want that to happen because he had grown to like Hogwarts. Is seemed so wrong now, to leave Hogwarts and stop the wizard education .

Espessially since the teachers told him that he, Sparky, Raven and Benjamin, where naturals. And they all enjoyed leaning magic. As Luke sat and practiced charms, he thought about when he could squeeze sword training into his scedual. Then he realized although how much he loved learning magic, he would never be accepted as a wizard by Albus.
That was beacuse Luke lived and breathed Greek mythology.

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