Chapter 17

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Luke Pov

Luke wakes up to the sound of a kitten in danger, squealing for help. Then he realized it was an exited Ben.

It is Christmas and today is the 25'th. Maybe Ben has seen the huge amount of snow that fell last night out the window or maybe a snowgoblin or....."Presents! I got presents!" Luke sits up and sees a mountain of presents at the end of Ben's bed. Albus is also awake, opening presents. Then he looks up to Luke and says "You know you got gifts too, Luke?"

At the end of his bed there is a little pile of presents, all labeled 'To Luke O.' Luke smiles and takes one up. It is heavy and sounds like metal when he taps it. It is from his parents. Inside there is a bronze war-helmet, with a little note attached.

Merry Christmas!
We miss you and wish you where here.
Leo made this for you, remember the Leo-rules.
Stay strong and remember that we love you!
Percy and Annabeth

Luke laughs and looks for a button on the helmet and finds two. The 'Leo-rules' are that every object comes with a special ability. When Luke pressed the first button, the helmet gets a little magical barrier around it. The other button makes his helmet turn blue. Luke laughs. Now when he goes to war he can atleast be stylish!

The presents made his day. Luke had been working non stop to find out who the assassin and its master where, and was very close, but to have a break was good. He, Albus, Raven and Ben had a lot of fun. Sparky was not with them, beacuse he had left Hogwarts a week ago, fro a holiday break. There was some short of acting-deal he could not let down.
Luke wished he could come with him and be home, but he knew staying at Hogwarts with Albus was safest.
And the letters from his family, that said they missed him and told him about their adventures kind of made up for it.

Albus Pov

It was so fun opening presents and just feeling like a normal kid. The guys had even made me a little gift! It was a single caramel that they had made with magic, and it did not taste the best, but it was really nice of them anyway. Raven joined us and we had fun all day. At one point Ben tried to use tinsel as a tissue to blow his nose, I mean it was a fun time!

Fun aside, Luke says he has narrowed it down to 5 students at Hogwarts, that could be the assassin. And together they have kind of figured out a face, since we gave all had nightmares about him. Luke says that when Sparky comes back we will sneak us out and grind out who of the five is the assassin and minion of 'the new dark lord'.

It scared Albus a little that they had to spy on a potential murderer, but he figured it was better then putting others in danger. He just hoped it would not ruin his grades. He had good grades, but Awlbus did not want his father to be disappointed. He was so told him in a letter that he was so proud that he protected his friends, but was angry about Rose. Albus had cut things off with her after the attac. But Albuses fear of an angry Harry Potter slowly stared to fade, beacuse it did not matter what his father thought if he was happy.

Hey, I was just wondering if you guys had nominated someone for the Fiction awards? It is a really cool contest where you can nominate and wrote on your favorite authors. If you want you can just search 'the fiction awards' to learn more about it on their page. It would be nice if you could tell me who you nominated and why. It is just interesting to hear. Thank you and Bye!

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