Chapter 6

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It was the hat. "What do you mean?" Luke thought. "It is not often I meet a kid that easily could fit into each house. Your brave like Griffindor, smart like Ravenclaw, loyal like Hufflepuff and ambitious like Slytherins. I do not know where to place you, young boy!" "Place me in Griffindor, with Albus. I need to look after that no one evil can get him!"Luke thought angrily. "I do not think that is your real mission here, boy." "Yes, it is! I do not want to do this. I want to be at my home Camp Halfblood! I'm only doing this for Albus." "Well then, i understand. I have to place you in Griffindor!"

The table to the top right cheared, The Griffindor table. I walked towards it and sat down by Albus. Soon, Sparky, Raven and Benjamin had joined us at the table. "We all get to be together, so nice!" he said happily. "I am in the same house as my parents and brother, by the way." "That is so nice. All if your family must be kindhearted and brave then." Raven said. "Same goes for you! You are lucky that you all got in the same house. I mean you knew echother before, like me and Rose." said Albus and pointed at a girl I recognized from the trainstation.

Proffessor Mcgonnagal gave a speach and said we could eat. But there where no food on the table, just golden plates and cups. I had an idea that the plates worked like those in Camp Jupiter. And they did! Food just popped out of nowhere and people began to eat. I put some food on my plate, but realized there was no place to burn food for the gods. I looked over at Benjamin and said "Ben, have some catapults, maybe?" Benjamin understood what I meant and gave me a
mini-catapult made out of metal. I took some meat and fired it at the fireplace where the teachers sat.

The meat flew through the air and landed in the fireplace. Raven ans Benjamin did the same, but when it was Sparkys turn, he missed. The roasted potato was about to hit the head of a teacher when Sparky screamed "Duck!"
Everybody in the Great hall ducked and the potato hit the fireplace and became smoke. "Nothing happened here. Go back to normal!" Sparky charmspoke. "Dude, you can't scream charmspeak like that! That poor guy almost banged his head into his very hot soup!" Benjamin said. "I'm, sorry! It has become more powerful lately."

After they all had finished their meals, which where delicious, a older boy took them to one of the tower, called the Griffindor tower. On the way Luke saw some weird things. Everything inside Hogwarts seemed to move. The stairs, the pictures, even the dam armorstands moved. Surprisingly they stopped at a dead end, a wall with a picture of a fat lady. "Password?" The lady asked. "Deus comedenti!" Luke looked over to Sparky and they both started giggling. In Latin it meant 'god eater'. "Do you think Aphrodite would taste like hairspray?" Benjamin asked and they started laughing.

The portrait of the lady swong open and they walked into the Griffindor common room. "Boys to the left and girls to the right. Now go to bed." The older boy, a 'perfect' said and left. "See you tomorrow,then!" Raven said. "Good night."
"Good night!" The bedrooms where nice, with five boys sharing one bedroom. They had caniopied beds with a nightstand and a cheast at the bed end to put clothes in. Like in the Griffindor common room, the colorshceme was colored red and gold.

After unpacking they went to sleep. As soon as Luke fell asleep he had nightmares. They stared of as regular with Gaea killing all of his friends and relatives and he could not do enything about it. But then as Gaea had killed the last person, Uncle Will, she turned towards him. "Silly boy. You think you can protect that Albus-kid before Voldemorts followers do. You don't know how badly they want theyr revenge. Just as badly as I want to kill your parents! But sadly I can't. You will fail this and you will die. It is just a matter of time!" Then he woke up cowered in sweat.

Albus Severus Potter had never had a worse nightmare. Voldemort infront of him, he had just killed his family. Voldemort raised his wand and the words just rolled of his tongue."Avada kadabra!" But, the beam did not hit him. Luke stood infront of him, the killing curse hit his bronze sword and reflected back at Voldemort. As Voldemort died, Luke looked at him. "I will get rid of the nightmare!" he said and Albus woke up.

Luke sat at the side of his bed, holding his hand and stroking his hair, calming him down. He was whispering something that Albus did not hear. When he noticed that Albus was awake he stood up and said "Try to get some sleep. Bad nightmares can make you tired." "Wait, Luke, how did you get rid if the nightmare?" Albus often had nightmares, but usually no one could wake him up.

"A lot of practice. Meany of my friends and family have PTSD. Just a lot of practice." Then Luke went to bed and Albus could hear by his breathing that he was asleep. This boy was not normal.

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