Chapter 15

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We all know the sound of construction outside our house. When they are making or fixing a road or building something. It is loud and annoying. Especially if there is a big, yellow excavator. Luke felt like one of those had run over him.

When he woke up in the Hogwarts sickbay, he knew he had to find his friends. He managed to stand up and Luke walked around until he found his friends, all asleep. They seemed fine, but where still fast asleep. After checking if they had eny symptoms, he got mad. The 'new dark lord' the former Deatheater, had given his assassin some powerful magic. The power he had used was like nothing he had ever seen before.

Luke decided to find out more about it later and started checking himself. He had a wound on his arm and some bruises, but nothing seemed to be wrong. He did not feel any pain, except for in his face. Luke walked around until he found a mirror, to see what was wrong. When he looked to see, he was shocked. He could remember the assassin trying to cut him in the face, but this was just ironic.

Luke found a water bowl and a sunny window and Iris-messaged his parents. Soon he could see them in the mist.
"Hi Luke, how is it going? How is Hogwarts and....." Percy stopped speaking. "Luke, is there something wrong?"
Luke had covered his face with his hands and said "You named me Luke after Luke Castellan, the brave demigod, who sacrafised himself to save the world. I always wanted to live up to that name and be like Luke Castellen, but never like this. Now I look like him too!" Then he showed his parents the scar on his face, which was just like Luke's. A red, uneven scar, from his right eye to his jaw.

After the IM to his parent Luke felt better. He was going to work harder and never let anything like this happen again. He swore that this scar would remind him that evil lurks everywhere and you need to always be on guard. He was not allowed to leave the sickbay in four days, but that was ok. Now Luke needed to gather the data and find this assassin.

Albus Pov

Albus was scared. He had never understood the danger that this was, before now. He, Sparky, Raven and Benjamin where allowed to get out of the sickbay after only one day, wich they spent mostly sleeping. Luke however.
Albus felt so bad for him. It was his foult that Luke had that gruesome scar and that the others had gotten injured too.

They had told him that it was not is foult, but he could not belive them. Now he sat in the Gryffindor common room and stared at the flames, feeling miserable. Then he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Rose, and she came and sat down next too him. "Was it scary? Getting attaced by the centaurs?" she asked. Albus needed to think for a second to remember that 'getting attaced by centaurs' was their excuse. "Uhm...yeah." "What did they look like?" "They where big and brown, with..ehm..bows and daggers..very scary!" "Wow!" said Rose." So cool!"

Albus looked at her in shock. "Cool? What do you mean? We got attaced! That is not cool!" Albus was shouting.
"Wow!" said Rose and backed away. "Didn't know you'd be so grumpy. Of course it's cool! Everybody is talking about you and how you scared them away!" "Scared them? What do you mean Rose? I did nothing." Albus said.

Rose laughed and put her hand on his shoulder. "Don't be shy! No, you scared them away. All of the others just collapsed of fear, but you where the only one standing up. The teachers told us that. They saw it when they found you!  Albus stood up and pushed Rose away. "No they did all the work while I did nothing. The teachers are lying!"

"Those little weasels could not even handle a fairy. The smallest one, Ben or whatever, is like the size of a five year old! You are just too shy and...."Don't underestimate them!" Albus said, getting really angry now.
"Wow they really have messed with you. I'm telling Unckle Harry your 'friends' are a bad influence. But of course you scared them away! You are the son of Harry Potter!" Rose said and walked away.

Rose left and Albus sat down agin. How had this happened! Albus got enough unwanted attention beacuse of his father and now every one though he was a superhero, when he had cryed like a baby. Albus had never felt so bad.

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