Chapter 7

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Albus could not avoid starring at Luke and his friend when they got dressed. The all had scars all over the place, like they where in war or something. Benjamin even had something that looked like claw marks on his back.
When they went down to the Great hall for breakfast he asked Sparky "I am sorry, but why do you got so many scars?"

"Oh, in the summer we help our uncle whit his farm. We often get a little hurt, but it is nothing to worry about!" Albus did not really believe him. "So, what animals are the on the farm?" "Em, goats and sheeps and hens, even some magical beeings." "That is cool."

Luke was supised. "Sparky, you called the satyrs goats and the roman gigant eagles hens. That is rather insulting."
"I had to come up with something, ok! So are you exited for the classes?" "Yes, I'm espessially exited for the Defense against the dark arts class. It seems interesting." said Raven.

"It is very fun! My father was very good at it and he thought me sometimes at home. And my fathers friend, Neville, he theaches Herbology!" Albus said. While they ate, Luke looked at the schedule. They had nearly all classes with Albus, which was very positive. The first class was Charms, thought by Proffessor Flitwick.

When they entered the classroom the saw Proffessor Flitwick stand on a big pile of books, on the chateter. That is beacuse he is a very short man. He was bearly a meter tall, maybe part elf, dwarf or goblin of some sort.
"Good morning class! Today we will be working on the levitating spell." he said with a rather squeaky voice.

After reading everybody's names of a name-list he started explaining how to do the charm. "You flick and smack your wand like this and repeat after me 'vingardium leviosa'!" "Vingardium leviosa!" "Great and now start."
I moved my wand, just like Proffessor Flitwick said and said 'vingardium leviosa'.

Luke was scared, what if it did not work. Mcgonnagal said you only needed the blood of a god, the blood of Olympos, to perform magic. But what is it was not enough. To his suprise the feather on the table started slowly moving upwards.
Soon Luke could controle it easily. He looked over to Sparky and Raven, who where also playing with their feathers.

"Feather war!" Benjamin said and made his feather rise and hit Sparkys, so it dropped to the table. "I shall get my revenge!" Sparky declared and his feather rose, scarier then ever. Raven and Luke joined in to.

Just as Ravens feather was about to attack Luke's it froze and dropped down. Proffessor Flitwick stood over them, floating in the air, looking at them. "I'm sorry, Proffessor, we should mot have been playing with the feathers."
"No, it is my fault. I started it!" said Benjamin.

Proffessor Flitwick looked at them and.......laughed. "I am not mad, children. I am suprised, beacuse most young wizards can't controle their magic so well. Have you practiced magic before?" "No, Proffessor." "Interesting, do you come from powerful family's?" Luke looked at his friends and they had a silent conversation.

'Should we tell him that we have a powerful family, I mean they are gods!' 'Can't we just say that we are powerful?'
'No, Benjamin it will wake suspicions!' 'Plus, it is not healthy to tell so many lies.' 'We will eventually drown I lies!'
'Ok, but say that we know we are awesome!' 'Benjamin!'

"Our grandparents are respected wizards, but we never knew them that well." "Oh, that is interesting! You can try a different spell if you want.  "You are good students." "Thank you." said Raven. I opened my textbook of charms and said
"What spell do you want to learn next?"

After Charms we had Potions, which where in a dungeon. Most of the students where cold and some scared by the thought of a dungeon. Luke just laughed, he had seen many various mosterdungeons while on holiday with his parents.
They sat down at the tables and waited for the teacher. When he came in Luke nearly got a heart attack.

The teacher was wearing a silver robe and hat, had light, glossy hair and a face with a vide smile. It was the smile that cough Luke's attention. The teacher was Will.

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