Chapter Three

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We had been walking for over 5 minutes when I saw everyone turn towards the back of the group. A group of Crawlers gathered behind the group. Everyone just paused; both sides staring at each other for ages. No-one shot, and the Crawlers just stood there. I'm sure that these people I was with wanted to attack, but they had surrounded us. The first shot fired, would be the one to start the blood-shed.

The only person who moved was Ben, and he moved forward, in front of me. He was protecting me. Then, Karen re-appeared.

“Give me the girl, and we let you go” she said, and extended her arm at me, but after Ben put his gun up higher, she got the message. They weren't giving me up.

“You know don't you?” she asked Ben, and I just looked. What on Earth, or off Earth, did they know about me that I didn't?

“I don't know what you mean” he said, holding at his gun so hard, I thought he would snap it. And that is when I noticed it. The back of his neck was covered in what seemed to be a green-grey plastic-like material. I initially would have thought it was gangrene, but there were spikes that were seemingly stuck on his back. Were they? They seemed like little pieces of wire. And then, they sparked up, and turned blue. I can promise you, I would have passed out was I not so petrified of moving.

“Well, then you'll have no problem passing her over. She was willing to come with us before” she said, not moving a single inch. This is the part I hate in any confrontation. The waiting.

“You know we wouldn't do that Karen. Just turn around and leave. Nobody needs to get hurt today” Colonel Weaver said with his head held high.

“You know I can't do that sir” she said, and I was even more confused. 'Sir'? They know each other? Oh gosh... what have I gotten myself into? I should have left … why did I stay with these people? And why do they want me?

“Tanya” Karen said “Come on. I'll take you to your brother” she said, and that was the point of absolute panic! SHE HAD BRANDON!

“You have him?” I yelled to the top of my lungs.

“Yes, he's with me. I found him, waiting for you. If you come with me, I'll take you to him” she said and I looked around me. I didn't know these people. But I didn't know her either. Who was she? Why did she even want me?

“Give him over Karen and no-one gets hurt” Weaver said and I stared at the floor. The thoughts going through my head were indescribable. So many thoughts. And then, the headache again. I could hear the noise in my head, those noises that I always heard. It was obvious that my medication was running low. It was like a microwave, a TV and a radio was on at the same time. Damn it. Not now!

A gunshot was fired. I don't know which side it was from, but then again, did it make a difference? All I knew was that these people had ammo that I didn't have. I ran towards the motorcycle and opened the small pack there was on the side of the motorbike, and found some bullets. More than I had, to say the least. I took some bullets and put them in my gun. It was idiotic that I had left the group, but I needed bullets.

Someone grabbed me from behind and pushed me to the ground. I screamed and shot behind me. I looked and realised that it was Ben. And thankfully, I had missed. I looked at the motorcycle I was just hovering over and saw a bullet-hole. He had saved me. In the mayhem of bullets flying everywhere I was going to be shot. And he saw it, and stopped it from happening. He saved me!

We need to get back to Charleston, he shouted, and I still barely heard him. It was so loud. And my head … it didn't stop. I turned my back to the motorcycle and started shooting at the Crawlers. Skitters...whatever they were called! I killed at least 3 of them with only a couple of shots.

Bullets flew everywhere. I don't know where Brandon was, but I knew that I would be no good to him dead. Everyone from the 2nd Mass, started getting on the motorcycles and the one military mini-bus that they had, and were shooting away. Karen was nowhere to be found. Me and Ben rode the motorcycle that was right next to us, and then, I heard it. The screech in my head. I crippled over in pain but, so did Ben. We were both holding our heads. It was so high-pitched, so painful.

I managed to look up and see a Crawler on top of me, but I was incapacitated by the pain in my head. Ben was also on the floor, screaming, in tears. So was I. I looked to him, and he went silent. He was out cold.  And then, everything went dark. 

_________________________Authors Note____________________________________

Hey guys. Hope you've enjoyed it. Please tell me what you think about it in the comments below! I appreciate any and all critique!

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