Chapter One

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Chapter 1

Running for cover

I panted as I ran down the empty street. How did we not see them coming? They were everywhere, crawling up walls trying to back-strap me and my brother. It had just been me and Brandon since the invasion. I lost him in the run for safety. I hope he is at the rendezvous point. Since dad went to prison and mum died after the invasion, Brandon is all I have. If they got him...I can't even bare the thought!

My name is Tanya. Tanya Pope. And this is probably my last fight. I screamed as I ran and turned in an alleyway, only to realise that it was a dead-end. Now, I was going to die. Or worse, back-strapped. Either way, the person I was now was not going to exist for much longer.

I turned my back against the wall, and held my gun tightly. The bullets I had in my gun were not enough to even kill one of them, never mind the dozens that were now crawling on the walls. They were so difficult to kill. I looked forward, and they were coming towards me.

I sighed. This was the end.

One of them came towards me, and at that point I panicked. Silence struck as neither I nor the Crawlers, as we called them, moved. A back-strapped teenage girl came into the alleyway. She was a little bit taller than me, blonde, and quite pretty. She walked right in front of the Crawler. Even though she was back-strapped, she bizarrely seemed to be in charge.

“My name is Karen” she said softly, and the Crawlers backed off after she simply waved her hand. How was a human in charge of the aliens?

“What is your name?” she said smiling. It was the smile that creeped me out most.

“I'm Tanya” I said shaking, my voice trembling extensively.

“Don't worry Tanya. I see you are frightened” she said to me, and extended her arm, inviting me to take it. “I won't harness you Tanya” she said, and I became more nervous and way more confused. I wanted to ask her what 'harnessed' meant, but I gathered that it must be the official name for back-strapped; so the question in my mind was why. Though I wanted more than anything to ask 'Why' my voice broke, and I could not speak, as hard as I was trying.

“I know your wondering why” she said to me, as though she was reading my mind. “You are special Tanya. Unique. You may not understand now, but you will. Come with me.” she said and extended her arm even more, inviting me to go with her. Though I was scared, I thought that it was better to go with her rather than getting myself killed, over potentially nothing. She said she wouldn't harness me, whatever that means, so, maybe... I'd be better off going with her. I was dead anyway...

I put my gun to my side, and extended my left arm. At that point though, I heard multiple shots being fired to our direction. Karen, as she said she was called, climbed up the wall with extreme speed and agility, reaching the top within a matter of seconds. When she was climbing up, I noticed she didn't have a back-strap on her back, rather, her back glowed yellow and orange, which only added to the freakishness of the situation. The Crawlers came around me when we were getting shot at, to... protect me I guess! What was going on?

At that point, when being shot at registered in my brain, I ducked as far down as I could, until I was finally lying on the floor, and the Crawlers just scattered as they could no longer stay without getting killed.

I didn't look up. I was too scared. The gunshots slowly became less and less, until I could no longer hear any. I thought they might have went away; the people shooting I mean. I had my hands over my head, and my gun to my side, but not once did I actually consider picking it up. After the last encounter we had with Crawlers, back when me and Brandon were actually part of a greater team, the Florida Fifth, I lost all my ammunition. I literally have two bullets left. Two! After that, only me and Brandon got out, and we never really got the chance to re-arm. That battle, was the final battle of the Florida Fifth...

Everything had went silent. I was still too scared to move. I felt a hand on my back. I automatically looked up, pushing my gun further to my side. A boy, close to my age, was there. He was extremely handsome, and was smiling, asking me “Are you OK?”.

Little did I know that that boy, was Ben Mason.

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Hey guys. Thank you for reading it so far. Please tell me what you thought of this in the comments on! Hope you've enjoyed it so far!

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