Chapter Five

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Tom Mason 

Tom walked over to Pope. He was sitting on a bed in the infirmary. He had a gash on his head. He was holding his right arm with his left hand, as though he had sprained it.

“Pope” he said and got his attention. At that point, Pope decided that this was the appropriate time to go on a rant.

“I promise he's fine OK? He wasn't drinking or anything and came on his own accord. But don't blame him will you? It's not his fault. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Pope said before looking into Toms eyes and realising he had no idea what he was on about.

“What?” Tom simply said, before Lourdes came.

“Tom, thank goodness I found you. Look, he's fine, but he sprained his ankle. Besides that, he has a couple of bruises and won't really be feeling up to anything for a couple of days but he's fine.” she said and then also realised the same thing Pope did. He had no idea.

“What is going on?” Tom asked, now worried.

“Matt. He was in Pope town when the um....fight broke out” Pope answered and Tom turned back to him. He was expecting an answer from Lourdes. But Pope would do. He had to tell him about Tanya as well. This wasn't going to be well. But, his child came first. Pope thought his kids were dead. A couple more minutes thinking that was the case wouldn't kill him.

“What do you mean Matt was in the fight? What fight?” Tom said; his stomach turning and becoming a knot.

“There was a bar fight in Pope's bar. There was a … disagreement apparently over the de-harnessed kids and how much they can be trusted. And, since one of the de-harnessed kids was actually in front during this conversation, they kind of ended up punching the guy who was saying it, and Matt got involved. He's fine though.” Lourdes looking at Tom and sort of slowly backing away.

“What did you want Tom?” Pope asked, and when Tom turned to look at him, he realised that it probably wasn't the right time to ask. He'd probably forgotten anyway.

“Is he OK?” he asked Lourdes; not taking his eyes of Pope, who he was now staring insistently at.

“Yeah, he's asleep. Don't worry. I'm sure he's more happy he'll be out of school than anything else.” she said chuckling.

“And Ben?” he asked quietly.

“No change. I should really go check on his vitals again. I have no idea what's going on with him.” Lourdes said, looking to the floor.

“Alright then. Lourdes, please look after him. Tell him I'll be there really soon, if he wakes up.” Tom said and Lourdes nodded; walking away as she thought a fight was about to break out between him and Pope.

“Look. Please don't kill me OK? He is honestly a good kid having a good time, but without the alcohol. That I saw of! So, you know if you are going to blame me-” he said but was interrupted by Tom.

“-Look, it's fine. He better be well though. And he better agree with the whole 'no-alcohol' thing you say. But, now, there is something a bit more important to talk about.” Tom said and went silent. Telling him that his daughter was still alive was one thing, but she had spoken to the Skitters and ordered them to move away, and they have obeyed her. His son was in all likelihood captured by Karen, probably harnessed. And Pope of all people, wouldn't like it. How would he react when he found out?

“There was a mission this morning” Tom said and Pope listened cautiously sitting further and further back. He was kind of scared of an all out fight. Truth of the matter: he wanted nothing more than to fight with him. He had taken over presidency and was so sure of himself... but he was injured, so Tom actually had a chance of beating him.

“Yeah. That's when Ben got … whatever he got.” he said; not for a second taking his eyes off Tom.

“We found a girl. She is, probably Ben's age.” he said and then stopped. What would happen if he told him and he ended up going against her? Or worse, what if she had a connection to Karen?

“Yeees?” he said now bored of waiting for Tom to tell him. He just wanted medical attention. And Lourdes had left. Again!

“She said she had lost her brother. And apparently Karen has him.” Tom said, realising by the look in Pope's eyes he had no clue why he was telling him. “The girl's name is Tanya, and her brother's name is Brandon. And, she recognised your voice. She says that her dads name is John Pope.” Tom said and stopped as he suddenly saw Pope's face change. He seemed emotional, and he wasn't sure whether to walk away or stay.

“Where is she?” he asked and his face was blank. He wasn't looking at Tom, or anyone really. He was looking straight ahead, but at the same time he wasn't looking anywhere. His daughter was alive. His son was with Karen.

“Follow me” Tom said and Pope got to his feet before Tom had even finished the two word sentence.

Tom led Pope to the curtain, behind which was his long-lost, presumed dead daughter. He was finally going to see her again. But he didn't know that his daughter, was different. He knew his daughter was … ill. She always had been. She used to hear things. See things. Go into fits which she wouldn't remember afterwards. Attack people for now sound reason. Schizophrenia the doctor called it. What he didn't know, was that his daughter, was not at all insane. But he was going to find out the hard way.

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