Chapter Eighteen

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Author Note: Hey guys. I must apologise SO much for the amount of time it has taken to post the following chapter. I have so much coursework and Mock exams coming up and my head is pounding so bad! I know that the last chapter was really quite dull compared to the usual, so I hope that this chapter is a bit more amusing in that respect. Again my apologies for the long wait! Please do not hesitate to comment what you think about either the fanfic so far or the specific chapter. Thanks guys! :) You're awesome!!!! 

Chapter 18 

“You're alive?” I asked almost choking. He hadn't died like Brandon had said. Thinking about it, I had never seen him die at all.

“As you can see” he said smugly. “Is Brandon anywhere to be found?” he asked almost with a hint of fear in his voice.

“Not yet. But he'll be on his way I'm sure” I said defensively. My father must have seen my extremely defensive behaviour because he immediately stood and came next to me.

“He came in here late last night, claiming he was your stepfather. I had no idea who your stepfather so I called you two here to tell me if that was the case. Which I assume by your reaction he is.” he said and was interrupted by my step-father.

“I am Jack. Jack Kent. I have heard a lot about you. John right?” he asked and extended his arm smiling; my father accepting his handshake.

“Yeah” my father answered almost falling for it. Was he really that stupid? The man was evil! My step-father then did something that made me want to vomit. He grabbed me and hugged me.

“I've missed you SO much” he said and begun to tear up. Seriously? He was giving me the same sh!t he gave my mum and expected me to buy it? Seriously?

“Yeah” I said in disbelief. I honestly didn't believe a word he said. Never after the things he's done.

“ Could we please have a minute John? I would love to catch up with her if that;s alright with you” he said holding my arm so tight I could barely breathe without grunting in pain.

“Of course” he said. He was definitely stupid. He could see I was obviously not pleased to see him, why would he leave me alone with him? My dad nodded at me and walked out.

“” he said and once more hugged me. Gross. “It has been so long … too long” he said as he slid his hand down mine. It felt like a snake was slowly going down my arm and would soon end up choking me.

“You are dead” I stated as I pulled away, but obviously not with enough force as he pulled me right back.

“Well, obviously not kid” he said sarcastically but with a hint of fear. As if he knew something I didn't.

“How? Brandon said you died. Because of your pneumonia” I said trying to make sense out of a nonsensical situation.

“Brandon is a liar. In more respects than one. Now, I don't expect you to believe me. At least not until it's too late. But Brandon left me out there to die. I surprisingly didn't. There's a lot more to Brandon and he has a murderous side. Among other sides you wouldn't understand.” he said going back to the whole 'you are stupid so I'll treat you as such' attitude he had always treated me with.

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