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(Kat's POV)

I finished up with my shower and brushed through my hair with a comb Gavin left on the counter. My hair smelled like him and my wolf was loving it. I'm sure his would to.

I wrapped the towel around my body and held it tight. I walked into his room and saw the clothes he laid out for me.

I pulled on the clothes and opened his door to see him sitting on the ground with his head back, eyes closed, earbuds in.

His wolf must've sensed me near him because his eyes shot open when I closed the door. He sniffed the air a little bit and his eyes darkened. Oh yeah, his wolf loved that I smelled like him.

"Are you going to stare at me or are we going to go see what that surprise is?" I joked.

He laughed and stood up. He quickly slipped his phone into his back pocket and wrapped his arms around me, tucking his head into my neck.

"My wolf loves that you smell like me." He whispered into my neck.

"Oh, yeah? And why's that?"

Yep that's right, I poked the wolf. I could feel his wolf come closer to the surface and he pulled me even closer to me.

"Because then everyone will know you're all mine."

I couldn't help a shiver that ran through my body. And oh boy did he notice because I could hear the smirk in his voice when he some his next words.

"At this rate it might not be long until I mark you as mine, and not just with a bite."

I gently slapped his chest.

"And at this rate we may never leave the house before noon since you seem to be distracted." I teased.

He pulled away and took my hand.

"Ok, ok let's go."

He pulled my hand to follow behind him and he brought me down to the living room.

"Why is the living room a surprise?"

"It's not really the living room it's more what I have to tell you. He admitted.

"Well what is it?"

"You get to go home for three days without me to say goodbye and pack your stuff."

      "Without you? Why without you?" That wasn't the surprise I was expecting.

     "Yes. Without me. You need to have some time with your friends and parents back home. Without me."

     "Do you need a break from me?"

     Was he getting rid of me?

      "No baby, actually the opposite. My wolf is going crazy about this and trust me first thing Monday morning I'll be there to see you and bring you home. Your new home. Our home."

     "Our home?"

     "Our home."

      "You promise me you'll be the one to bring me back in three days?"


     "When do I leave?"

     "Tonight." He said gently.


     "Your parents and Liam are driving you back right after our date."

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