Robyn| Chapter 1

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Hi! This is chapter 1 of Robyn!

Chapter One:
A Friend.

Beep beep.

"Ughhh." I groaned, slamming on the off button of my alarm clock. Another day of hel- school. Yeah. School.

"Robyn! School!" My dad yelled, and I groaned in response.

It was like this every day. I absolutely hated going to school because I have anxiety and I stutter, and I'm socially awkward, so I get bullied for it. Dad doesn't know that though. I don't want to worry him. I got out of my red coloured duvet, and yawned and stretched, extending my arms over my head. My white blonde hair sticking up everywhere, I padded into the kitchen, sitting on barstool and twirling around on it. My pajamas consist of a pair of red pajama pants and an orange tank top.

"H-hi dad." I stuttered, before I could stop myself. Dad knows I stutter, so it's okay around the house. I try to stop myself from stuttering in school though, but it usually comes out when I'm nervous.

"I see you got out of bed Robyn. How was your sleep?" My Dad, or Lachlan asked.

"G-good. D-do we have p-pancakes if the fridge?" I asked, and my father smiled at me, his dirty blonde hair sticking up in different directions. You see, my father was a famous YouTuber. He was Lachlan or CraftBattleDuty. He also used to record with five other YouTubers called "The Pack." Dad stopped recording though, when I was born. I watch some of my father's old videos, they're pretty funny.

I opened the fridge to find something I know and love, Eggo Waffles. What? You actually think I had a relationship? Pfft, good luck with that. I popped my waffles into the toaster, and Dad said something that surprised me.

"You know, you could have my old recording setup and Minecraft account if you want." He said, smiling at me.

I smiled from ear to ear. "R-really? W-with C-crazy C-craft and Treasure W-wars?" I stuttered out, smiling and hugging my father.

He returned the hug. "Yes. We can change the name and skin up for you." He said, and I smiled and nodded excitedly.

The eggo waffles popped out of the toaster, and I grabbed them, sitting down and taking a huge bite out of them.

"You ready for school?" Dad asked, and I paled, making me look like a blonde snow white.
"Yeah, sure....L-let's go with that." I said, rolling my eyes like a normal sixteen year old girl would do. Except I wasn't normal.

"Robyn. Listen. If anyone gives you a hard time, tell me okay?" Dad said, and I nodded. He smiled. "Now, go get dressed. I love you." He said, kissing my forehead.

"Love you t-too." I said, stuffing the rest of my eggo waffles into my mouth and walking into my room. I quickly put on a Converse All Star sweatshirt, a pair of skinny jeans, and black converse. (Her outfit is in the media ^-^)

I heard the bus honk, and I grabbed my backpack, throwing it over my shoulder, and running out the door. "BYE D-DAD!" I yelled, sprinting out the door. I ran onto the bus, and Mrs.Smith, our bus driver, smiled at me. I smiled sheepishly back, and kept my head low, walking towards my seat in the back. My eyes widened when I saw all the other high schoolers. No, no no. It shouldn't be the others. Just me.

My anxiety started to get a hold of me, as I took my usual seat in the back row.

Deep breaths. In, out, i-.

"Hey, you okay there mate?" Someone said, and I found myself starting into the sea blue eyes of a guy.

I nodded. "Y-yeah." I stuttered, mumbling.

The guy didn't seem to notice my stuttering. "I'm Ash, and you are?" He asked, holding out his hand.

"R-robyn." I stuttered, taking his hand. His grip was firm, and he smiled when he shook my hand.

"Your Robyn Power, right? Lachlan's daughter?" He asked, and I nodded, putting a finger to my lips.

"B-be quiet a-about that. I-i really d-don't want people knowing me as some form of 'celebrity'." I said, putting air quotes around "Celebrity."

Ash laughed, and I smiled. Maybe I would finally have a friend.

El time skip.

"Hey Loser!" Drake, my bully yelled.

I stiffened, and glared at him. "Well, if I'm a loser, what does it make you? I know you're really insecure and scared on the inside, but keep it to yourself." I said, spitting venom at him.

Drake stopped in his tracks, his face bright red from embarrassment. I smirked at him, and grabbed my books and my gym bag, walking around him.

El time skip.

Ugh Math. So much fun.

X= 2g+3

I smiled as I finished the last problem and handed it to the teacher, Mrs. Higgins. She smiled at me.

El time skip.

"Hey Dad! I'm home!" I yelled, without stuttering for once.

"Hey Robyn, how was your day?" My dad asked, smiling at me.

"G-good." I said, my stuttering back.

"Pack your stuff."


"We're moving to Florida to live with The Pack."

Ohhhhhh, cliffhanger! I hope you enjoyed dis part! Bai!

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