Katherine| Chapter 3

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The Arrival

So the plane finally landed in Florida and I couldn't contain my excitement to meet the people that made my dad so happy and their families. The family I am most excited about meeting are the Arsements because I have heard the most stories about Preston as my dad and Preston were best friends.

₩₩₩₩ Time skip ₩₩₩₩

Dad and I caught a taxi to the house we would all be living in and when the taxi stopped I looked up at my new home and smiled because now it felt real. We got all our luggage out of the taxi and dad paid the driver, we walked up to the house and I was in total awe it was huge, I was pulled out of my trans by a boy opening the door for us he had scruffy hair and deep brown eyes that you could just get lost in but he isn't my type. He said "Hi I'm Dexter Hughes you must be Rob and his daughter." "Yep my name is Katherine but please call me Kate." I said with the sweetest smile which he returned "Well come in I'll help with your bags" my dad finally said "Thank you Dexter, where are your parents and the others?" "Oi oi oi! We have found a wild Wolfless!" A very strong Australian accent said and from what dad had told me about his friends that would be Lachlan. "Little Lachy, it's been to long how are things?" "Pretty good come and meet the rest of the kids" we just followed with our bags in hand. As we entered the living room there stood three other men and a woman along with four kids, two girls and one boy about my age and a little girl whose eyes shot wide open when she saw me she was cute. "Hey guys and Jess, this is my daughter Kate" the woman replied first "Is Kate short for something sweetie?" "Yes, it's short for Katherine but I prefer Kate" "Well ok then Kate, I'm Jess and this is Mitch..." she pointed to the man she was sitting next to then continued "You have met our son Dexter. This is Vik and his daughter Sky" pointing to the two with black hair "I guess you have met Lachlan but this is his daughter Robyn" pointing to the pair of blondes "And this is Preston and his kids Brooke, Joey and Maddie" gesturing towards the last four people. So these were my dad's friends and their families but one name I had heard mentioned before wasn't said. Where was Jerome and his family? Oh well I'll probably meet them soon. So everyone began talking again except for Brooke and me so I went over and introduced myself properly "Hi, Brooke right?" "Yeah so you are the infamous Robert Latsky's daughter. My dad said we would be close friends like our dads would." "I hope so you seem really nice" the conversation went on like that for a while, Brooke I think your dad is right we will be close.

Hey guys so this is Kate's chapter 3 hope you like it

Jaz Xx

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