Fuck It

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Chris POV

Bree came to the door and it was like her face dropped when she saw me.

"Ayy is Jay and them here"I asked ,She looked behind her then back at me

"Yes,she actually just got here"She kept quiet for a minute

"Ok,can I come in its cold asf out here"I asked

"Yea my bad"She moved aside

I saw Jaylen just walking up from the back.

"Babe I been calling you"I said walking to her kissing her cheek

"Left my phone in the car,Why is she here"She asked looking at Mariah

"She came to talk to you"I said taking her hand and walking her over to Mariah............

Jaylen's POV

She stared at me then Chris, then back at me.

"Look Jay,I know we got off on the wrong foot,I don't want us to be enemies"

"We not, I'm good"I said bluntly

"Well I just wanted to apologize about last time,I'm not usually like that and I'm sorry if I'm came at you disrespefully"I nodded

"It's cool,At least you came to me and apologized"

"Where Michael"Alonna asked

"He at the house"Chris said

"Ayy Jay can we finish our conversation"Eric said walking to me

"Who the fuck is this"Chris asked giving him a death stare

"Chris this is Eric,Eric this is Chris,My boyfriend"He looked at Chris and I knew he was gonna test him

"Well like I said, Can we finish our conversation"He said taking me hand,I snatched away

"Eric don't fucking play with me,We have no conversation to finish"He smacked his lips

"Oh so now you wanna act different cuz he here"Bree stepped in the middle

"Ok Eric that's enough, You can leave"He looked at her and smiled walking out

"Chris and Jay I'm sorry,I Invited him and I didn't think he was gonna do that,I know how close your were with his sister and I told him to bring her"I sighed

"Its cool Bree just don't do shit like that again or at least let me know"I said

Chris just stood there watching Eric leave then looked at me and Bree.

"I'll meet you at the house"He said leaving slamming the door behind him

"Yea I'm gone Bree"I said walking out the door with Alonna and Zayden behind me.


I carried Zayden into the house because he was alseep and Alonna and Chris got the bags out the car.

After putting him in bed I went to my room and sat on the bed taking a deep breath.

I can't believe Eric really tried to pull that shit.The last time I saw his ass,I caught him kissing on some Bitch at Akeeya's party and after that I never said a word to him,I didn't even tell him I was moving...

His sister Jess was like my blood little sister,she was 3 years younger than me and would always follow me around everywhere. I loved her so much and we would still talk but she never brought us Eric which is why I loved her even more.

We lost touch once I heard she had a baby and she just got off social media all together and that was 2 years ago.

Chris came in with his bags and sat them on the floor taking off his coat and shit laying down right next to me and hugging my waist.

"I'm so fucking tired"He said,I took off my shoes

"Did you cook?"He asked

"No,I been out shopping most of the day"

"Well are you gonna cook"I looked at him

"Why don't yo yellow ass go cook"He smacked his lips groping my thigh

"Who tf you talking to like that"He said getting in my face

"You bright skin"I laughed,He kissed me on my lips I laughed

"I'm about to hop in the shower"He said getting up

"Aight"I said going through my phone looking for the guy who called me earlier number,I found it and called back.

"Hello"He said

"Hey,Vinny this is Jaylen,Sorry for calling you late"He chuckled

"It's fine,So what I was saying earlier was I'm doing a shoot tomorrow for an ad I would love to have you here,I'm sorry for the short notice but our model canceled last minute and I seen some of your pictures and I loved them"He said,I smiled

"Yes of course I would love to"I said excited

"Ok that's perfect,so we want you to come bare face and hair just washed and blow dried,we will do the rest"He said

"Ok where and what time"I asked grabbing a pin and paper.....

He spent awhile telling me about it and how it worked and emailed me more about the ad and what it was for.I was nervous but I thought about how he called me.

I was serious about this modeling thing and as much as Chris didn't like it I was gonna do it,I wasn't gonna be some famous nigga free loading girl not doing shit with the opportunities I have no matter what he said..

Chris came out the bathroom and looked at me then the clothes I was laying on the bed.

"What's all this for"He asked walking to his drawer

"I have a photoshoot tomorrow"

"Tf you mean a photoshoot"

"A photoshoot for a magazine ad"

"We already had a talk about this Shit"I stopped and looked at him

"No Chris you talked about it,We never agreed on Shit,You have your career and I have mines to work on"He walked over to me

"Jay I know it's hard with me being gone all the time but I have to bring in money"

"Right,so do I and I'm doing something I really love,Why can't you just be happy and support me on this"

"Because I don't like the Shit"I shook my head

"Well I'm still gonna do it"He looked at me through the mirror a walked closer to me

"Jay look I know it's been hard and Shit with us moving so fast but I see better for you than this"

"So what you want me to do?,You want me to sit around the house and not do shit "

"No ,just be cool for a while,It's around Christmas time so go out and do some fun Shit with Zayden being it's his first time seeing snow I want us all to be involved"

"Ok how about we make a deal,I do the shoot tomorrow and I dont take on new ones until we make a decision and you also don't take on any shows until then"I suggested

"Aight deal"He turned me around and kissed my cheek

"I love you"He whispered

"I know"I said ,He laughed and walked out the room

I felt like it was completely unfair for me to stop doing what makes me happy but it was something I had to work on......


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