New Decisions

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Jaylen's Pov

The next morning when I woke up I fixed me and Zayden some cereal while we sat in the living room watching cartoons.About an hour later Chris came and sat next to me.

"Good morning beautiful"He said pecking my lips,I stared at him

"Nigga it's 1:36 in the afternoon so what you want"He sighed and stared at me

"Chris?"I said

"Aight look,I was thinking that maybe we should spend our Christmas in L.A"

"What you mean"I said

"Bae we should spend Christmas together and since we were talking about probably moving out there this could help you make up your mind"I thought about it

"It could be fun,All of us at a big ass house enjoying the heat while celebrating Christmas and New Years"He said

"Who is all of us"I asked

"Us,Alonna and Ty,Bree,Shad,Aniya and Diamond if she can go "

"I don't know,that sound like a lot of work and Chaos"I said

"Come on babe, I even got you a photoshoot too"I smiled and hopped on top of him

"You did?"He nodded laughing,I started kissing him

"Thank you"I said hugging him again

"You know I got you,so do that mean we going"I nodded laughing

"I guess but I'm just gonna let tonal the work"I said as I took our bowls into the kitchen and somebody knocked on the door.

I walked over and answered it and it was Derrick.

"Hey Derrick ,Come in"I said hugging in and letting him in

He sat down on the couch and I sat at the arm of the couch.

"So Wats up"I asked

"Shit just finished unpacking and Shit"

"Oh yea,So tell me what happened between you and ole girl"

"Man,While I'm at work making money for her and my seed she bringing niggas in my house and around my fucking son"I shook my head

"That Shit crazy,So you just left"

"When I found out I told her I was leaving and taking my son with me then she gonna call the police and say I was beating on her so long story short,She got a restraining order against me and moved so I moved back here,I still gotta deal with this custody shit but besides that I'm good"I shook my head

"Well I'm sorry about that"I said

"It's cool,She wasn't right for me no way,I mean anybody that constantly wanna be in niggas faces ain't too good for you anyway "I laughed

"Yea sometimes"A few seconds later Chris and Zayden came back with their coats on

"What's up Derrick"Chris said dapping him

"What's up"Derrick said back

"Baby we going to the mall then I'm going to get some more luggage's "He kissed my cheek

"Ok,Be careful"I said as they walked out

"Awe y'all going somewhere"Derrick asked

"Oh we going to L.A for Christmas,you're welcome to come if you like"I said,He laughed

"That don't sound too bad,How much are the tickets"He asked

"Don't worry,I got it"I said

"Nah,I'll pay for it"He insisted

"No,I got it you are my guest"He chuckled

"Still the same old bossy ass girl"

"Exactly so don't even bother going back and forth with me sir"He laughed and got up

"Well imma start heading home,I got a lot of Shit to do,and I'll let you know if my schedule good for the trip"We both walked to the door

"Ok that's cool,And you make sure you getting some rest,you look tired"He started laughing

"Aight crazy"I gave him a hug and he left

"Who was that"Alonna asked coning from the back

"Derrick,He came by for a lil bit"She sat on the couch

"Aw,He ain't bring his girl friend"She asked as I sat next to her

"Nah,They ain't together no more,Aye its decent outside,Let's go get our nails done while their gone"I suggested

"Ok that's cool"

After we got dressed and left.

After getting our nails done we got something to eat and went back home.

Chris was already there and him,Zayden,Ty,and Shad was sitting on the couch playing the game until they saw us walking in.

"Where the hell y'all been"Chris asked

"Well Dad first we went to get our nails done then we went to get something to eat,just a break away from y'all "Alonna said making them laugh

"Real funny"Chris said

"Jay I need to talk to you"Chris said standing up and walking toward me

Alonna went and sat where he was sitting and we went to the kitchen, I put my bags down and sat at the table.

"So what's up"I asked

"Well you know while we in L.A I'm gonna be doing shows by myself"I shrugged


"Well I'm gonna need dancers"

"Chris just cut to the chase"

"Aight,Rihanna is a great dancer and I asked her to audition be one of my dancers so she's meeting us in L.A"I stared at him

"Really Chris"

"Baby I know what you thinking but it's not like that, She just been having some problems and I'm just trying to help her out"I shook my head

"I don't get you,Chris it's not your responsibility to help or take care of your exes,I don't like it but you can do what you want"

"You thinking of it in a bad way"He said

"Ain't no good way in that situation,those bitches are your exes meaning they are no long with you,stop trying to save they non important asses,and you give me all these speeches about mfs I use to talk to but I never bring them around you"He shook his head

"I get that but-"

"Chris honestly do what you want ,just keep the bitch away from me"I said,I got up and went to our room

I hate when he does this,He always feels the need to help bitches who did him dirty or is on some other Shit.I trust Chris completely but I don't trust the situations he gets himself into from just being nice helping out a friend,Especially this Bitch when he know I don't like her ass.

I went to my room and laid down later taking a long ass nap.......


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