Something New Part 4

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Jaylen's Pov

"Mommy,Look"Zayden said to me as he opened his presents

This morning after breakfast Chris had left,He said something about taking papers to his manager but his face expression all day tells me something is wrong.

He's never this quiet and he the biggest kid out of all of us but I knew something had to be wrong for him not to want to see his son open his gifts for the first time.

After opening our presents we finished cooking and everyone went and got dressed just standing around taking pictures.

I went to Derrick's room where him and Nicki was talking.

"Am I interrupting"I said,They laughed

"Nah,What's up"Derrick said

"Well Derrick since you know how to cut hair I want you to cut mines"She looked at me

"Wat you mean"He asked

"I want you to cut my hair but only the side of it"

"Bitch you better be playing"Nicki said

"Nope"I said

"Well Shit,Let me get my clippers and Shit together and I'll be ready"He said getting up

"Ok,Just let me know when you ready"I walked back to my room and changed into a crop shirt and some pajama pants

When he was cutting my hair everybody was standing around and putting me on snapchat like I was goin bald or something.

When he finished I fucking loved it,It came out exactly how I wanted it and I already had ideas of how I wanted my hair.

When he finished I fucking loved it,It came out exactly how I wanted it and I already had ideas of how I wanted my hair

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After like an hour me Alonna,Nicki and Bree were sitting in the back by the pool.

"So you thought of any baby names yet "Bree asked Alonna

"Yea but idk which ones to stick wit "

"Y'all baby go be cute Asf"Nicki said

"I'm already knowing Michael genes go overpower mines"She said

"So what's up with Chris,He seems a lil off today"Bree asked

"Idk,I keep asking him what's wrong and he tells me it's nothing,I think he's probably nervous and stressed out about his show and dealing with this whole new celebrity thing"I said

"It could be that,I mean Michael had been acting the same way but he is so obsessed with the baby now he be forgetting Shit"

"Y'all talking bout me"Ty said coming out the house,We laughed

"Nah,We talking about the color blue"Nicki said sarcastically,He smacked his lips

"Yea right,Anyway why y'all out here and it's almost 6,Shouldn't y'all be in there fixing plates or some "

"Oh Shit I didn't know it was that late"I said looking at my phone

"Ty is Chris in there"

"Nah,He left like 5 minutes ago,Said something about a meeting Mariah"

After a while we all were sitting at the table eating and talking.Somebody knocked on the door and I got up to answer it.

"Hey Merry Christmas"Mariah said as I opened the door

"Hey,Same to you,I thought you had a meeting with Chris today"I asked as she hugged me

"No,I didn't set up a meeting for today plus it's Christmas,We do have one tomorrow"

"Hmm, you can come in"I said stepping aside to let her in

"This place is gorgeous"She said

"Ikr,I don't think I wanna leave"I said laughing

After a few minutes we were setting up the big table for everyone to sit down and eat.

As soon as I sat down Chris finally walked in and everybody looked at him.

"What's up y'all"He said walking over to me and kissing my cheek

"Where tf you been"I asked

"Just out,I brought somebody with me"He said motioning his hand for them to come out

"Are you fucking serious,Wat tf is she doin here"I yelled staring at Rihanna,

Everybody gave stared at her confused and Alumna looked like she wanted to jump over the table and kill her ass

"Babe I invited her to have dinner with us since she didn't have any plans"I shook my head

"Chris I can go,I really didn't have to come here and cause any problems "She said

"Nah you can stay,I invited you "She smiled

"Yea you stay,I'll leave"I said getting up and going to the room.

I put on my shoes and jacket and went out the front door.

I can't believe he had the fucking audacity to bring that Bitch in front of my fucking face.

Why tf would he even think to do some shit like that"I thought to myself as I walked

Chris Pov

Everybody kept looking at me...

"You can sit right there"I said pulling out the chair for Rihanna

"Really Chris?,So you not gonna chase after your girlfriend"Bree said

"Nah,She need to cool off anyway"I said sitting down

"I'll go get her"Derrick said getting up

"I'm coming with you"Nicki said ,I shrugged

Idk why everybody making a big fucking deal about this shit,It ain't like I said she moving in with us or something.

Last night I went to see her and no we didn't fuck but Last night we talked for hours about everything and she just listened and it brought back so many good memories we had together.

Me and Jay don't even talk for that long anymore but Rihanna made me realize that I need to start thinking more about me and my career than my relationship life because it can get in the way,of course I don't mean my son but as far as friends and taking these trips for nothing,I need to focus on the shit I needed to do.

I love Jay,I really do but lately our relationship been boring,Idk if it's just me or it's just us but something has to fucking change or our relationship is gonna be in trouble.

The only thing that's stopping me from breaking it off with Jay is my son and the live and respect I have for her,I don't want him to go through what I went through when I was younger but at the same time I don't wanna spend my life pretending like I'm happy and our relationship is perfect when it's not.

I have a lot of shit to think about........

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