Big Changes

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(Alonna In Pic)

Jaylen's Pov
The Next morning

Me and Chris were still laying in bed talking.It was 8 in the morning so everyone was still asleep.

We had a small gathering last night to celebrate for Chris and Ty but it was really just us,mfs got so drunk that we just made them stay the night.

"I still can't believe our song number 1 babe,Like this was my dream and it's crazy how fast it's happening"I looked up at him and smiled

"You deserve it "I said laying back on his chest

"Thank you,I do because I worked so fucking hard for this shit,Even doubted myself a few times,I would have never thought I'd get this far so fast"

"So what happens with you and Ty after you release y'all album"I asked

"Mariah said her dad was gonna manage us separately so he can work on his Shit and I can work on mines"I smiled

"I'm so proud of you"I kissed his lips

"Jay,You do know we gonna have to move to L.A sooner or later"I said up

"What you mean,Move for what,I literally just got back here"I asked

"Well I'm not gonna keep wasting money and time flying back and forth for nothing when I'm gonna have to leave again "

"I don't know,My friends and family here Chris,I don't think I'm ready for that yet"He sighed

"Just think about it,We don't have to make a decision right now"I nodded and laid back down

"So how you feel about Mariah now"He asked,I shrugged

"idk,She cool for right now I guess,Why"

"I mean y'all gonna be around each other a lot so I just wanted to know if I gotta keep security around or not"He said

A few seconds later Alonna knocked on our door

"Come in"Chris said,She walked over to our bed and sat down next to me

"Have y'all looked on instagram and twitter yet"She said showing Chris her phone,He looked at it

"Damn that shit say 300k followers on instagram bruh"He said taking her phone out her hand

"Damn,That was fast"I said looking at it

"Yo Ty!"He yelled walking out of the room.

"So did you tell him"I asked her

"No,I couldn't Jay,He was in a good mood and I didn't wanna just throw that on him"I smacked my lips

"I understand,I was the same way when it came to Chris and you know that,take your time and do it when you ready"She shrugged,I held her hand

"I will,I just need time to think about how to go from there"I nodded

"Aight,You know I got yo crazy ass no matter what"I said,She laughed

"Yea I know,You about to cook breakfast"She asked

"Hell Nah,I cooked yesterday"She stared at me

"Please Jay,Chris food good but he be rushing and burning shit"I laughed

"Aight only for you"I said getting up

After breakfast Chris and Ty went to the studio while me and Alonna started wrapping gifts and decorating the big ass tree Chris brought in here.

A few hours later Chris and Ty came back with hell of bags.

"What's this"I asked

"Nothing for you"Chris said kissing my lips

"Ok,Well I need you to go to the store and get some things for the party tomorrow"I said

"We can't have the party Tomorrow"He said

"Why not"Alonna asked

"Because we doing a show out here and y'all coming to see us"I smiled

"Awww,That's so good for y'all"She said

"Can't wait to make the video already"Ty said looking at his phone after putting bags down

"Shut up,you just wanna be around bitches"Alonna said making us laugh

"You shut up,I'm not even thinking about that"He said,Alonna laughed pushing him

Chris picked Zayden up before going to our room where I followed him....
Alonna's Pov

"So what yall been doing all day"Ty asked me sitting on the couch

"Nothing ,Just did the tree"I sat on his lap

"That must be to favorite spot"He said,I laughed

"Shut up"I leaned back and laid on his shoulder

"So what's been up baby"He asked

"Just stuff"I shrugged

"Stuff like what"He said

"Ty I have something to tell you"

"Okayyy,What is it"He said in a duh tone

"Ummm,I don't know how you're gonna react to this but I have to tell you because its killing me not to tell you"He nodded

"Well I went to the doctor a while ago and.....well......I'm pregnant"I said closing my eyes

"What,Seriously,how long and why you ain't been told me"He said staring at me and he didn't look happy at all

"I found out about a week ago now,I been wanting to tell you but I didnt know how and plus so much is already going on"He smacked his lips and got up

"I need to go somewhere real quick"He said tapping my leg to get off his lap,I moved

"Are you serious right now Michael"I asked staring at him,he couldn't even look me in my eyes

Alonna please,just give me a minute"He said leaving out the door,Tears spilled from my eyes

I never would've thought he'd act like this,If anything I thought he'd be happy,Guess I was wrong.........

Jaylen's Pov

I came back down the stairs out of breath,Alonna was sitting on the couch.

"Chris play too Fucking much,Got my damn leg hurting"I said sitting next to her and rubbing my leg,I looked at her and realized she was crying,I scooted closer to her and just gave her a tight hug

"What happened"

"I told him Jay,He said he needed to go somewhere ,I thought he was gonna be happy"She said still crying,

"Lonna calm down Ok,He probably just needs some time to think that's all"She kept crying

Chris came down stairs with Zayden on his back

"Yo what's going on"He asked concerned,Alonna got up and went to the bathroom

"What happened"He asked,I sighed

"Alonna's pregnant and she told Ty but he just left,Chris can you talk to him because this is what she was afraid of"He nodded

"Yea,take Zayden"He said leaving out the door

I took Zayden to his room and gave him some snacks before I went to check on Alonna.....

I hated seeing my Bestfriend like this..........

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