Happy Or Not

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Jaylen's Pov
The next day

When I woke up Alonna was laying next to me sleep while Nicki was laying across the foot of the bed watching tv.

I felt a strong headache as I sat up,Nicki looked at me.

"You ok Poodah"I nodded

"You hungry"She asked,I shook my head

"No,Where's Zayden"I asked

"He's in the pool with Derrick,Bree and Shad"I sat back thinking about what happened this morning.

I had a panic attack and fell asleep afterwards.It was like all my emotions I been holding for so long spilled out and I couldn't hold it anymore.

I can't help the fact that I loved Chris no matter what he put me through but my heart was tired of feeling alone and desperate when I already had someone I thought loved me.

Chris didn't come back last night so that really told me what his choice was and how he really felt.

I got up and went to the bathroom and took some Advil.

I looked in the mirror at my lightly red eyes and threw water on my face.

I walked back to the room and Nicki sat up as I walked back to the bed

"So you still wanna leave"She asked,I nodded

"I can't stay here,We just need some time away from each other"

"I understand,Well if you leave I'm leaving too"I smiled

"I'm gonna go get in the pool"I said walking out the room as Nicki followed.....

"Mommy I can jump"Zayden said as I sat at the edge of the pool

"Ok,Lemme see"I said,Shad helped him get out the pool and held his hand as he jumped in

"Yay,You a big boy now"I said smiling

He got out and ran over to me,

We was in the inside pool until it started to get a lil chilly so we went in the house around 5.

I decided to stay until after New Years so everyone can enjoy their time here and I plan to make the best of it.

I had a photoshoot audition tomorrow and I was happy because I was hell of frustrated and needed something to look forward to on this fucked up trip.

Me and Alonna went to Walmart to go pick up a few things for her and go grocery shopping.

When we got back to the house I saw Chris car parked in the driveway.

"We can go somewhere if you want to"Alonna said

"Nah,We don't have too"I got out and we got the bags out the trunk and walked in the house

"Tell me y'all got some ice cream"Tyga said helping with the bags

"Yea mf,And while you asking for shit you and the rest of the lazy crew can go out and get the rest of the bags"Alonna said,He smacked his lips

They sat the bags in the kitchen and me and Nicki started putting the groceries up.

"You know he brought that Bitch here right"She said putting stuff in the freezer

"Who"I asked

"Chris brought Rihanna here but he made her wait in the car"I shook my head

"That don't make no fucking sense,Nicki you see that I'm not nor did I ever disrespect him like that"She nodded

"Fuck him Jay,Just move on and do what makes you happy for once"

"You right"While I was putting the chips and stuff on the refrigerator I heard Diamond yell my name,I quickly ran over and jumped on her.

"Bitch I fucking missed you"I yelled giving her a tight hug,She laughed

"I told y'all I was gonna be here"I smiled

"So what y'all been doing while I wasn't here"She said,Me and Nicki both looked at each other

"Girl it's a long ass story,But first let me help you get settled then we can have some drinks while I fill you in"I said taking one if her bags

"Shit cool with me"I took her to her room and she started to unpack

"I'm bout to start cooking then we can just chill in the back"She nodded

I went back to the kitchen and Derrick and Ty was in the cabinets and refrigerator.

"Wtf y'all doin"I asked

"We gone cook for once while we here"Derrick said,I squinted my eyes

"Aight,Well I was gonna make some chicken Alfredo with broccoli and a salad on the side if that helps"I said ,Derrick nodded

"Aight,That's no problem"I looked at Ty who was eating a big bag of flaming hots

"Don't burn the house down"I said walking into the living room where Bree,Nicki,Alonna and Shad was while Zayden was sitting on the floor in front of the Christmas tree playing with his toys.

"Shad you supposed to be in there with them niggas helping them cook"I said

"Well damn,Ok mother"He said getting up and goin to the kitchen,I sat in his spot and took a deep breath.

"Tired?"Bree asked

"Girl tired is a understatement"She laughed

A few moments later Chris came into the living room with his bags.

"Goin somewhere Pimp?"Nicki asked

"Uhh yea,I'm gonna be at the hotel for a while,We start rehearsing for the New Years show tomorrow and it's closer there so you know......."She nodded,He walked over and picked up Zayden

"Lil man I'll see you tomorrow aight"Zayden nodded and gave him a hug

I just completely ignored the fact that he was there,I saw him look at me then looked down.

"I'll see you tomorrow"He said walking to the door and leaving

I have to say that I felt hurt a little because a part of me still loved him and wanted to work it out but I see he has already moved on and decided what he wanted more.........



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