I Won't Stop

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Chris Pov

A Week later

I was sitting on the bed side of Jay and I opened my laptop to play her a song I wrote for her.It explains all the feelings I have for her and how much I love her.

My phone rung and it was Rihanna,I sighed and answered it.

"What's up"I said

"Chris where are you"

"At the hospital,Why"

"Are you coming back over later tonight"I looked at Jay

"idk,I might"I said

"Really ,like I get you going through some shit with her but don't forget you got a girlfriend to think about also"I sighed

"Not right now man"I sais

"Fine,I love you"She said

"Alright"I said before hanging up

Rihanna been bugging the fuck out of me,I honestly don't know what I'm gonna do about her,I can't say I didn't have feelings for her because I felt like out relationship was getting back to how it was before .

I know she feeling some type of way about this situation but idk what I can do about that right now.

I stared at Jay and smiled,Man she always looked beautiful when she slept,I just hope she can hear what I wrote specifically for her.....

Jays Pov

I heard music playing and I could tell it was Chris,The softness of his voice made me relaxed.

I really just wanted to wake up so I started pushing my body to make any type of movement.It started with my fingers then my toes but I still couldn't open my eyes or make any movement from my face.

I heard the music stop and I heard Chris call my name.

"Jay?,Jay can you hear me"He said,I felt him hold my hand and I tightened my grip in his,I felt him kiss my cheek then he let my hand go.....

Chris Pov

I ran out the room and got the nurse and told her Jay was awake,Well kind of.

She came in and went over to Jay.

"Ms.Cater if you can hear me,Move your fingers"She said,We both watched as she moved her entire hand,I smiled

She called the doctor in and I had to leave out the room for a minute.

I waited nervously in the waiting room,I didn't know how to feel.I was mostly frustrated because I didn't know what was going on.

I called Alonna and them to keep my mind calm.

"What happened"Alonna asked me as soon as she walked in

"Idk,I think she's awake,She been responding to the doctors and shit "I said,She smiled

"Omg I hope she is"She said as her and Ty sat down

"Where Bree"I asked

"She's on her way to pick up Zayden and she's coming with Zania"I nodded

I saw the doctor come out and walk over to us

"How is she?,Is she awake?,Can we take her home"I asked all in one breath

"Calm down Chris,Let the doctor talk"Alonna said,We both looked back at him

"Well she is fully awake now but we're gonna keep her here for a day or 2 to make sure she's fine and get answers to why that happened to her "He said,I exhaled

It Won't Stop(Trust Issues Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now