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Jaylen's Pov

Today was the day of the show and I was nervous as hell,Me and Alonna were up next and both of us were praying all the way through that things will go right.

Chris called me all the way up until the moment it was my turn to walk,Ashley held the phone so he can see me and I was just so happy and full of love but nervous about how it will go.

"Jaylen,Alonna and Kimmy you're  next"The Richard said,I took a deep breath

Kimmy walked out first then I walked behind her still holding on to Alonna hand until last minute.

As I walked seeing so many people staring at me was making me nervous but the worst was trying to concentrate on not bussing my shit in these heels.

Once I got the middle of the runway I felt more relieved being halfway through it and it gave me so much confidence seeing people smiling at me and nodding their head,can't lie I got excited.

Walking back I saw Alonna and smiled seeing her glow in the stage lights,her beautiful skin down to the makeup made the moment feel like a movie. I was so proud of my best friend.

We walked the stage 5 times  doing a different look each time and it got so much easier,at least for me.

When we finished  I was happy because my fucking feet were hurting so bad and I broke 3 nails already during the first 2 walks, After the 3rd time I got use to the walks and seeing everybody clap for us made me feel like I was the main piece for the show.

After it was over I met up with everyone who came to support us outside.

"Omg yall did great,Chris facetimed and watched you for the first 2 walks you did"Aniya said hugging me

"Thank y'all so much I said grabbing the flowers from Shad

"Boo y'all looked so fucking cute,I can't wait to post the pictures we took"Bree said

"Yes please send those"Alonna said

Everybody wanted to go out and celebrate but I wasn't feeling too good and was exhausted from this busy ass week with no sleep so I went back home and stayed in with my son and Alonna.

"Jay have you seen my-"Alonna stopped and stared at me as I looked into the bathroom mirror.

"Uh oh,Wats wrong"She asked sitting on the sink counter,I looked at her

"I don't know,something just seems off,but I'll be good"I shrugged, She sighed

"I been feeling like that too not gonna lie,but that was before the show so maybe that's what it is"I nodded

"True"I said

"Anyway come and watch some movies with us"I laughed

"Ok here I come"She got up and left

I slipped on some shorts and a shirt before going  into the kitchen afterwards.

I was fixing me a bowl of ice cream when Alonna called me,I went into the living room an and saw her on FaceTime with Chris.

"Daddy"Zayden said jumping up and down

"What's up Lil man,What you doing"

"Ice cream"He said back showing Chris his bowl of cookie dough ice cream,He laughed

"Let me talk to mommy"He handed me the phone and I went back into the kitchen

"What's up baby,I saw you walking and shit looking sexy asf doing you boo boo"He said making me laugh

"Thank you,What you doing"

"Shit,just finished a show so now I'm at the hotel getting ready for this after party"I sighed

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