A New Start

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Jaylen's Pov
Next day

After what happened yesterday Tyga didn't come back and Chris said he just needs some time to himself for a while.

I feel so sorry for Alonna because I know how scary it is to think your by yourself in this situation.

We were getting dressed to go see Chris and Ty perform tonight,Alonna didn't wanna go but I talked her into it because I didn't want all of us to go and not her,Besides the last thing she needs right now is to be alone.Everybody was going,even Aniya,Nicki and some of Chris friends then we were gonna go to Bree house for a lil after party.

Me and Alonna had just got done with our hair and she put on her clothes.

I had to get Zayden dressed and Chris had to leave before us so he left this morning.

After about an hour I was dressed a ready to go..

When we got there the security guards walked us to the backstage just before the show started

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When we got there the security guards walked us to the backstage just before the show started.

"Well look at you"I said walking up to Chris giving him a kiss.

"Nah look at you,y'all look good"He said,We laughed

"So you nervous"I asked

"Not really,I think I'm use to it now"

We talked for a little bit before it was time for him to get on the stage, they walked us to the front of the stage before they started.

It was so amazing to see so many people there watching and supporting him,it felt surreal and I really couldn't believe he made it to this moment.

When the concert was over we went back stage.Tyga and Alonna left together before we even got a chance to talk,The rest of us went back to Bree's house to eat and have a celebration.

When we got to Bree house there was loud music playing and people was here already.

I took Zayden who was asleep to Bree room where Aniya was talking on the phone.

"Hey Zay"She said picking him up and hugging him

"You I'll keep him for you Jay,My boyfriend and his daughter are about to come"She said

"Ok,let me know when you want me to get him"I said leaving out, I bumped into somebody.

"I'm sorry"I said looking up at Diamond

"Heyyyy Bae,OMG I didn't know you were coming"I said giving her a hug

"Hey,I was looking for you"we both walked downstairs were everybody else was.

We was standing in the kitchen talking when Mariah walked up to us.

"Hey Jaylen"She said

"Hey,I was looking for you at the concert"I said giving her a hug

"Yea Chris told me"She said

We stood there and talked for a minute until I saw Alonna,I walked over to her grabbing her hand and leading her to the back room.

"What happened,We was looking for y'all ass and everything"

"Nothing,I mean we talked and he told me the only reason he acted that way was because I didn't tell him when I found out,He's excited and he even looking for a place just for us"I smiled and gave her a hug

"I'm so happy for yall"I said wiping my tears of joy,She laughed

"Aight we gotta fix our fucking makeup"I said laughing

When we fixed our self and walked back to the living room,I saw Nicki,Bree and Diamond staring around looking at something so we walked over to them.

"Ayy what y'all looking at"I asked

"Who invited that Bitch"Bree said,I looked over and saw Chris talking to Rihanna

"Should we go over there or Nah"Alonna said

"Nah,I will and Lonna please try to remember yo ass is pregnant "I said ,Nicki looked at her smiling while I walked over to Chris

"Heyy"I said to Chris,He turned around and looked at me

"Awe hey babe"He gave me a hug and put his arm over my shoulder close to him as I stood on the side of him

"Hey Jaylen"She said all fake but I played along with it

"Hey"I said looking at her yo and down,She rolled her eyes,I turned towards Chris

"What y'all talkin bout"I asked

"Oh nothing,I was just congratulating Chris on his show and song"

"That's sweet of you,Thank you"Chris said

"Well tell Michael I said congrats too"She said

"Yea,Thanx for coming"I said smiling as she walked away

"Why you so fucking messy"Chris said turning me towards him laughing

"Why you so fucking sneaky"I said point my finger at him.He smacked his lips

"Ayye cut that Shit out"He said,I smiled and we walked towards the kitchen

I started fixing me a plate and Ty and Shad walked in and started talking to Chris.I felt somebody standing behind me and they covered my eyes,I started laughing.

"Who tf is this"I asked

"Guess who"A deep familiar voice said,I turned around.

"Derrick!?"I yelled hugging him

"OMG look at you"He laughed

"Nah look at you"

"How and when did you get here"I asked

"I came back a few days ago and I was gonna come over and see yall but I found out about Chris and Tyga show so I went and ran into Bree who told me y'all was gonna be here"I nodded

"That's what's up,Well where is-"

"We not together no more"He said before I could even finish my question

"Oh wow,I wanna know what happened but you should definitely come over my place tomorrow"

"Ok,I'll definitely do that"Chris walked up

"Yo what's good Chris"Derrick said dapping him

"What's up"Chris said

"Aye I saw y'all show and y'all killed it man"Chris smiled

"Thank you bruh"

"Ok so I'm bout to go but I will see y'all tomorrow right"He asked

"Oh yea,Give me Yo number so I can text you my address"I said,He gave me his number and after saying his goodbyes he left

Soon after a while she it turned 2 we left.........

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