Lost Time

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Chris Pov

I walked in her house and sat on the couch while she took Zayden to his room.I looked around the house and saw how neat it was it really looked like a home.I also saw pictures of her and Zayden when he was a newborn and they really looked happy,that shit hurt me a lil bit knowing I could have been there for them a long time ago now I'm gonna have to explain all of this shit to him when he get older.

"are you hungry"Jaylen said walking in the kitchen,I followed

"Hell yea"I said sitting at the table

"I guess we can eat some left over lasagna and I can fry some chicken"I smiled

"Yea that's sounds good "She shook her head

"greedy ass"She mumbled

"anyways wats been up with you ma"I said as she got the food out the refrigerator

"Nothing really just working and taking care of my boy"I nodded

"that's wats up so you haven't been thinking about me"I said asked sarcastically ,She looked me then started back on the food

"Breezy shut the fuck up"she mumbled

"You called me Breezy so we must be cool now But foreal tho Jay I miss you"she sighed

"Chris please don't mess up what we have going right now because I'm not feeling it"

"What you mean"she ignored me

"We cool right now so don't fuck it up"She said,I sighed and put my hands up

"I was just saying,but I do have a question"I said

"what Chris "

"Why you move back here "she stopped and looked at me

"Because I wanted to"I nodded knowing she didn't wanna talk about it,she smiled and walked by me

"Chris thank you for the song"I smiled

"she gave it to you"I asked,she nodded

"You're welcome and just know every word came from my heart and I meant it"I said,

My phone rung and I looked at it and it was Kae,Jay looked at me and went back to the stove ,I ignored it
The fuck do she want now...........

Jaylens Pov

After eating Zayden woke up and i put him in the tub and fed him while I cleaned the kitchen,Chris was sitting at the table and he just kept looking at me.

"Jay"He said

"Yea "i said not looking at him

"My moms birthday is coming up and we having a family get together,I would really like it if you and Zayden can come"I sighed and looked at him

"You sure you want me to come or just your son"He laughed

"Both of you,I mean if you want to"I shrugged

"Sure I'll go,When is it"I said

"In a couple months months"I thought about it and laughed

"Chris that's kind of far away,why you asking me this now"I said,He nodded

"I know but just wanna make sure because even when you get mad at me you still have to come because you said you would"I laughed,He looked at his phone

"Well I gotta go,you gonna need a ride to work tomorrow?"He asked

"Nah Im off,Im goin car shopping remember "He squinted his eyes

"Really,Well I know a place you can go,Just text or call me tomorrow before you leave"

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