Not Again

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Jaylen's Pov

2 weeks later

Chris been gone for 2 weeks,2 shows turned into 4 shows then 7but he said they are coming home today.

I just been working on doing some photoshoots in New York for new brands and Richard has been keeping us on our toes when it comes to booking anything. Our check was nice asf for doing the fashion show and it was more money than I make in a month working at Target so I really became passionate about this shit.

I appreciate Alonna so much because without her I wouldn't have even thought about taking modeling serious. The only thing I dont like is the long hours and some people see only your body,I have to constantly change my hair but thank god for wigs.

Alonna has been a little bit all over the place, She been dealing with her dad who is now not drinking and have a different lifestyle and he basically disowned Alonna because she's with Ty and she's not saved so he don't approve of anything she does.

I told her if he dont want to have anything to do with you then let him be because its only gonna hurt him at the end of the day,She got us and that's all she need.

"Alonna your pizza burning!!"I yelled to her room

"Can you please take it out for me bae"She yelled back,I got up from the couch and went to take it out.

I sat on the couch smoking a blunt,Alonna came in and sat next to me drinking some protein shake.

"What you wanna do today"She asked

"Idk,I was thinking about going the mall to go Christmas shopping"

"Ok I'm with it, Bree called and said she want us to come over later too"I shrugged, and passed her the blunt

"Ok,I'm gonna get Zayden dressed and we can leave in about 10 minutes"I got up

"Aight,I'll be ready"She said


"Mommy can I have this"Zayden asked picking up a spiderman action figure as we stood in the checkout line

"No you have one at home just like it,Now put it back"I said looking around,My phone started to ring and I quickly answered


"Hey, this is Jaylen Cater"A man's voice asked

"Yes,Who's this"

"Awe I'm Vinny Wellons, I talked to Richard about you doing photoshoot for our brand a couple days ago?"

"Oh,Yea I remember, Umm can I call you in a lil bit I'm in line but can call as soon as I get in the car"I said

"Oh sure,Sorry I called at a bad time"

"No its fine, I'll call you in like 5 minutes"

"Ok,That's fine,Talk to you later then"

"Ok"He hung up

We paid for everything and headed to Bree house.......

Chris Pov

We were packing getting ready to leave.As much as I loved L.A I missed New York and the snow,It was around Christmas so I definitely wanted to spend it at home.

For the past week Jay been asking me if she can do a show in Atlanta and just keep bring it up, I'm not feeling it.

To me once she start modeling then its gonna turn into her being getting into the wrong shit like these bitches out here and I ain't having it.I just want her to chill and take care of our son while I make all the money but as stubborn as her ass is I know it might be impossible.

After we landed and got ready to go our separate ways Mariah pulled me to the side to talk.

"Chris I know this is probably weird but I just wanted to thank you for having that talk with me just over all not treating me different after what happened ,It really made me think about some real shit"I smiled

"Aww it was nothing, I just felt like you was better than that"

"Well thank you again, I also wanted to apologize to Jay about last time,It was rude asf and I don't want her to feel like it's gonna be like that"

"Awe yes that's cool, I can call you later to come over or actually I was heading home anyway,You can come later"She nodded

"Okay I guess that's fine,I'm here until tomorrow anyway"She said

"Aight,I'll text you the address"I said

Shad came and picked me up so we got in the car and drove off.......

Jaylen's Pov

We pulled up in front of Bree's house.I grabbed Zayden's hand and we walked to her door ringing the doorbell.

"Hey y'all,Long time no see"She gave us a hug as we came in.

"So what y'all been doing"She asked while we took off our coats

"Shit just chilling"Alonna said going to the kitchen,I sat down while Zayden went by her Christmas tree full of gifts

"Damn this big ass tree,We ain't even get ours yet"I said looking at it

"Girl Shad over the top ass brought that shit in here,I decorated it but I'm not taking shit down "I laughed

"So what you call us over here for"She smiled and got up

"Somebody is coming over to see you"I smacked my lips

"Really bitch"She laughed

"For real Jay,You gonna like it anyway so stfu"I shook my head

A few minutes later somebody knocked on the door,Bree got up and answered it.A few seconds later I looked over and saw my ex standing there smiling at me.

"Eric"I asked looking confused

"What's up Jaylen"He said giving me a unexpected hug

"Wtf you doin here"I asked pulling back

"I'm only out here for today,Came to see my cousin and I ran into Bree"I looked at her,She smiled

"Ok,this is creepy,I need to fucking smoke"I said walking to the back

The last time I saw Eric was when I caught his ass cheating on me at a party years ago,Bree knew how I felt about his ass after that so her doin this shit pissed me tf off.

I sat on her back porch and fired me up an emergency blunt for situations like this.

A few minutes later I walked back in and saw Chris just coming though the door this time.


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